3 Sports Nutrition Misconceptions

The main reason why people do not achieve the level of performance they want in sports is because of poor nutritional habits.

Because they don't have the right information. they are trapped in various sports nutrition myths. They behave according to whatever beliefs they have regarding what they should eat in order to prepare their bodies for the sports they want to excel in.

As such, they tend to put too much focus on a particular type of nutrition and neglect the others. This can be rather harmful. The following are 3 common sports nutrition myths.

Sports Nutrition Myth #1

Carbohydrates is the most important food component as it gives energy. Because people preparing for a particular sport uses a lot of physical energy during training, they think that this is the most important nutrients to consume. No doubt, carbohydrates are important sources of fuel for the body. They provide the energy required for the vigorous training activities.

However, to function well, the body needs to consume a balanced composition of different foods. Besides carbohydrates, other nutrients are just as important. In fact, some nutrients are considered to be even more important than carbohydrates. Examples of these are iron and calcium.

Sports Nutrition Myth #2

In order to get as much energy as possible, a person has to eat as much carbohydrates as possible at all times. This will provide the body with ample supply of energy during training and races.

However, loading the body with too much carbohydrates will fill the tummy and leave the person feeling tired even before the training session starts.

Sports Nutrition Myth #3

Sports people need to build large and strong muscles. Therefore, they need to take plenty of protein and amino acid supplements. In their haste to achieve, many young aspiring athletes take too much protein and amino acid supplements. This can result in accusations of unauthorized drug usage. Many times, careers are ended before they even get started.

No short-cuts are available. In order to build large and strong muscles, it requires intensive workouts with frequent and regular training.

Many people have these erroneous thinking about their nutritional needs because of inadequate knowledge. As a result, they do not have proper dieting which will lead to their inability to cope with the rigorous demand on their bodies. However, with proper information, one can discard such sports nutrition myths and eat healthily for peak performance in their activities.

Source: http://www.classicarticles.com/Article/3-Sports-Nutrition-Misconceptions/16575

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