The Relationship Between Fast Food And Obesity

Today, fast food became a way of life. Some studies have shown that by just eating two fastfood meals a week, exactly what they ate didn't seem to matter much. Breakfast sandwiches, fries, burgers and nuggets all meant a greater risk of obesity and it can increase the chances of obesity by 50%. It is not only fast, cheap and convenient, it also tastes good, making it harder to resist. It contains high levels of sodium, refined sugar, oil and refined flour. This combination alone can be harmful to one health as well as cause obesity.

Some fact show that Fast Food Cause Obesity?

Many doctors and experts are concern about obesity in today, with the rise in obesity they start to question and study whether fast food can cause obesity. There are many facts show that eating too many fast food meal per weeks will cause obesity. Some of the facts are:

- Obesity rates is increase every year
- Many people choosing fast food as their primary food
- Cheap and convenient, fast-food restaurants everywhere
- A lot of fast-food advertisements

It is little wonder that fast food and obesity go hand in hand. There have been countless studies that show that fast-foods are of poor and low nutritional value. The typical fast food meal consists of low quality carbohydrates, white bread, high levels of saturated fat and a sugary soda. Usually, it also has relatively low fiber content. Fast-food has high caloric density, before you know about it; you will have overeaten and put on weight. So it does cause obesity.

BMI and You

A lot of researchers report that fast food can cause obesity; especially those families that choose it as a meal more than three times a week do run a higher risk of obesity and larger BMI's. The BMI, or body mass index, is a formula that doctors use to determine exactly how overweight a person is. A BMI of a number between 25 and 30 means the patient is overweight, if 30 or more is an indication of obesity. About 70% of adults in our country can be classified as overweight, and about 35% Adults is considered obese. These are very high figures and many of them having high BMI, when you know that obesity can lead to health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Our lifestyle choices also might affect our body weight as well. For example, if you and your family members visiting the fast food chains frequently, then you have a tendency to keep less healthy and high nutritional choices in at your home. The absence of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains can make the effects of the fries and burgers that much more severe. Some study show that slender teenagers know how to take balance food, example if they choose it on occasion will balance that choice by consuming fewer calories the rest of the day. But overweight teenagers don't know or can not control to take balance food. While there is evidence to show that it causes obesity, it seems that other factors and choices come into play as well.

The Risk for Diabetes

Experts on fast food and obesity say there is now an alarming rate of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in the United States. These numbers have continued to rise in the past few years. A study found those who eating lots of fast food gained 10 pounds more than those who did so less often, and increases twice the chance of developing an insulin disorder that directly linked to diabetes. The sedentary lifestyle, are rapidly becoming one of the top causes for type II diabetes and coronary artery disease. The high carbohydrate content of fast-food may cause the bodies inability to produce the amount of insulin needed to deal with the sugar levels produced after a meal. This may lead to increase sugar levels and block arteries.

Some Improvement

While some fast-food restaurants have begun offering healthier alternatives, including fruit, whole-grain bread, lower-fat fries, salads, as well as bottled water, rather than sodas.

However, this seems to be a rather weak and slow response, even though it is a step in the right direction. But, it does show that even the fast food restaurants acknowledge that their food cause obesity.

Always make your good choice

If you are concerned about whether fast food causes obesity, you can take time to practice healthy lifestyle, make choices for healthy eating that do not have to include avoiding fast-food all of the time. You can balance the occasional burger with plenty of healthy food options in between, and make sure that you go for regular exercise as well. With some wise and healthy choices, you do not have to worry whether fast food will cause obesity to you.

Some Points to be Followed for Our Good Health.

Always eat the low calorie items on your plate. Open with salads, veggies, and broth soups, and eat meats and starches last. Along the time you get to them, you'll be full enough to be content with smaller portions of the high-calorie choices. Rather than whole milk, switch to 1 percent. If you drink one 8-oz glass a day, you'll lose 5 lb in a year. There are many calories in juice also, ounce for ounce, as soda. Create a limit of one 8-oz glass of fruit juice a day. Collect calories from foods you chew, not beverages. Eat lots of fresh fruit instead of fruit juice. Be a regular reader of a food journal, it will help a lot. Mayo is good rather than mustard. Drink more soup, the non creamy ones are filling but low-cal. Say no to caloric drinks such as soda, sweet tea, lemonade, etc. If we shift from regular cola to diet cola we can loose our weight in good manner. Carry lunch to work and have it in seating position. Take dilute juice with water. Go for mostly veggies in lunch. Maintain alcohol to weekends only. Experiment veggies to make them delicious, add some maple syrup over carrots, and sprinkle chopped nuts on green beans. We can mix three different cans of beans and some diet Italian dressing. Enjoy this delicious three-bean salad all week. Be faithful with vegetable soups; remember that vegetable soup counts as a vegetable. Try to use daily pre-bagged baby spinach everywhere, as lettuce in sandwiches, heated in soups, wilted in hot pasta, and added to salads. Tax your pocket for few dollars to buy vegetables that are already washed and cut up. Eat plenty of fruits; they are just as healthy especially colorful ones such as oranges, mangoes, and melons. It is not good habit to skip meals. Many healthy eaters agree that diet by day and binge by night. Have pasta like crazy. It is low in fat and notorious too. Do snack on bowls of nuts. They are healthy but dense with calories, always put those bowls away, and use nuts as a garnish instead of a snack. Try a smoothie made with fat-free milk, frozen fruit, and wheat germ. Eat smallest fast-food burger with mustard and ketchup, not mayo and a no-cal beverage. Eat an apple or baby carrots on regular basis. Sandwich made of peanut butter on whole wheat bread with a glass of 1 percent milk and an apple will help greatly. Already cooked chicken strips and micro-waved frozen broccoli topped with Parmesan cheese are good for diet conscious people. Frozen entree with a salad and a glass of 1 percent milk is really healthy to try.
Bekie Cohner is a health and wellness professional with 16 years experience helping people make the right decisions for everything from Exercise Equipment to nutritional supplements.

What Are The Causes Of Childhood Obesity?

Today, the rise in childhood obesity has several causes. The main cause of obesity is certainly children eat too much and/or not perform regular exercise or being generally inactive. The extra calories that are not able to burn up through exercises or physical activities will translate into fat, and when this fat becomes excessive and more, one will become obese. This difference results in weight gain and will vary from children to children that was due to few factors such as genes, health issues, physical inactivity as well as psychological issues also contribute to weight gain and may be what the causes of obesity are. Even though the main cause of obesity is underlying disorders, nevertheless, it is also closely related to people lifestyles as well.

Poor eating habits and food choices

Today, the way we prepare food and the no of time per day is totally different as compare with our ancestors did in the old time. During the old time, everything need to be cooked from scratch, but now with the help from modern equipments, the time and effort to prepare food became simple and faster. This is one of the reasons why now fast food restaurants dominate our diets.

By study how the children eat today; you will know what the main cause of childhood obesity is. Small changes in their daily diets can have large help enabling you to prevent childhood obesity. The best healthy choices of food include vegetables and fruits instead of sugary snacks. The most popular choices include carrot and bananas, celery sticks, apples and even salads that include a large variety of vegetables. By helping children understand and choosing the correct and better foods during the childhood time, definitely will ensure that they make the correct choices as they move into adulthood.

Bad behavior is also one of the causes. This group of children eats food that is low in nutrition and high in fat. This group of children eats fast food meals, rich desserts and drinks with a lot of sugar. They also usually overeaten, and the food that they consume has many empty calories. In other words, the food that they eat does not provide enough nutrition for a children needs. This same group of children eats lots of sweets food which in general have empty calories.

Lack of Exercise

Lack of regular exercise is a factor that has contributed to this being one of the causes of childhood obesity. Children who spend a lot of time watching TV programs will have a greater risk of child obesity than those who go outside playing or sporting. This is typically true when the children are eating fast food while watching television or playing video games.

In the pass, children like to play sports more often, enjoy outside activities as forms of entertainment and walk to school. But now a day, children are completely opposite from the pass. The sports our children like to do these days include watching television, playing computer game, surfing internet, chatting, and any game they choose while exercising only their mind, head and hands only. When you combine the poor choices in food and the lack of exercising, there is a high chance that childhood obesity will end up lead to disease.


Genetics and DNA have been found to be a contributing factor in the causes of childhood obesity. Unfortunately, some children are naturally predisposed to obesity. These children are born with genes that cause them to put on weight more quickly than other children. The children with certain genes end up storing the fat more easily than other children. There is not much that these children can do about their genes, but there are steps that they can take to conquer the obesity.

Children parents can also aid in determining your chances of dealing with childhood obesity. If children parents had a problem with overweight, chances are the children will deal with the same issues. This makes it very important that you keep an eye on your children and their action and habits. Our DNA can not be changed. We can do some small changes in other areas that can make a great deal of improve on your child obesity. Some small changes, such as walking to school, playing outdoor games rather than letting children stay at home and avoid exercise. The simple and regular exercise can help your children avoid childhood obesity.

Psychological issues and Stress

Some study say that about 10% of people that are mildly obese was cause by psychological or stress problems. Some children have a difficult time dealing with stress so they use food as a comfort when they feel, and many children are prone to eating in response to negative emotions like being bored, feeling anxious or being angry.

Each child has to contend with different factors in their lives. The causes of obesity are can also be viewed as being weakness, a lack of willpower or a lifestyle choice of overeating and not exercising enough.


The environment too plays a role in the causes of obesity. The family home is an important place to learn about proper nutrition and enough physical activity. Attitudes, Habits, and beliefs about food selection and how to spend family leisure time are critical factors to forming a healthy relationship with food. Children spend a lot of time in school, their food choices at school become important and it was influenced by the school eating environment.

Modern lifestyles have improved our quality of life but also contribute greatly to physical inactivity. Cars are used for short trips, and the number of walking trips the average American children takes each year have decreased. Today only about 10% of public school students walk to school compared to the large no of student a generation ago.

Nutrition 101: The Good, The Bad and the Hungry.

We cannot get good nutrition in a vitamin pill. Always take a vitamin with your doctor's recommendation, as your body benefits the most from eating healthy, whole foods. Having a variety of foods is best for your body, so try new foods. Do not trust stories from people who have used a diet program or product, especially in commercials and infomercials, are advertisements. Usually these people are paid to endorse what the advertisement is selling. Always remember regained weight or other problems that develop after someone has completed the program are never talked about in those ads. We can make small changes in our diet to have good health results. We can benefit ourselves by cutting back on unhealthy fat. When ever we eat a lot of fat just try few tips like instead of frying meat, try baking, grilling or broiling. Peel the skin off before eating chicken or turkey. Do take fish at least once a week. Alter extra fat from diet, such as butter or margarine on bread, sour cream on baked potatoes, and salad dressings. Always use low-fat or nonfat versions of these condiments. Ample intake of fruits and vegetables should be there with your meals and as snacks. While eating out from home, watch out for hidden fats and larger portion sizes of diet. Always read the nutrition labels on foods before you buy them. Whenever we need help reading the labels, ask doctor or nutritionist. Just drink no- or low-calorie beverages, such as water, unsweetened tea and diet soda.

It is fact balanced nutrition and regular exercise are good for our health, even if our weight never changes. Make effort to set goals that you have a good chance of reaching, such as making one of the small changes listed above or walking more in daily life. Also try diet recipes like Add just one fruit or veggie serving daily. Be usual with that, after then add an extra serving until you reach 8 to 10 a day. Always eat at least two servings of a fruit or veggie at every meal. Always eat purposeful, not mindless. If we put food in our mouth, peel it, unwrap it, plate it, and sit. Employ all of the senses in the pleasure of nourishing your body. King breakfast should be there on daily basis. Because it helps you eat fewer total calories throughout the day. Be sure your plate is half veggies and/or fruit at both lunch and dinner. While dining out, make it automatic: Order one dessert to share. Try a salad plate instead of a dinner plate. Keep track of what you eat, plate your food instead of eating out of the jar or bag.

Bekie Cohner is a health and wellness professional with 16 years experience helping people make the right decisions for everything from Exercise Equipment to nutritional supplements.

Hair Vitamins and Liquid Vitamin Supplements

Vitamins are organic that are required by organic organisms.

Vitamins are organic molecules that are compulsory by incarnate organisms. Vitamins are obligatory in minute amounts by the body. Vitamins are essential for a in fine fettle body.

The food people eat must finance them with modest amounts of vitamins. The body may show signs of partiality if it is not with the necessary amounts of . An creature deprived of all sources of a special will sooner or later stomach from specific to that vitamin. In where a body is not supplied vitamins through his food, he can take them orally in the form of .

Vitamins are all in all of two types, water-decipherable and fat-fathomable. Vitamin A, D, E, and K are fat resolvable while eight B and vitamin C are water-solvable.

Vitamins are sold at stores. Consumers can obtain huge when they consumption vitamins in bulk. Vitamin store selections consist of and supplements for anxiety, arthritis, kinship pressure, flu, cholesterol, , depression, dynamism, and menopause. Most hospitals and buy vitamins in extensive from the stores. Vitamin stores can be straightforwardly accessed cyber-.

Almost all the leading vitamin stores have a Web site and most of them can be initiate in the wan . By P.R. on the Web, most vitamin stores have their sales. The Web mien makes the stores' products on hand to a inclusive market. People from all over the can order a assortment of from the comfort of homes.Lack of can basis entirely a few shape difficulties. Some of them are allergies, weak bones, sarcoma, earaches, insomnia, skin problems and many others. Vitamins cannot be as an critical cure for these diseases. They only play a bubbly role in the behavior of the overall physiology of a person.

Many individuals take vitamins because of thought anti-aging , but it's a fact that you need to appendix your vitamins as you get eldest. The anti-oxidant properties of Vitamins C and E are accepted and help to counter cell weakening.Vitamin B12 is one of the that many of age inhabitants can be not there. B12 is one of the vitamins that our body produces by natural actions inside our stomachs.

Some family don't suck up B12 properly and need to get their supplemented. Over the age of 50, up to 30 percent of the residents will have some badly-behaved with B12 amalgamation. Sometimes attractive B12 vitamins by doorway can help. However, if the delinquent is that the stomach sop up B12 , it may be necessary to get B12 shots, which the directly into the blood.

Your doctor can do gore to plaid your B12 levels.As we get oldest, our ability to crop D also declines. While sun exposure deserted is enough to activate passable production of D vitamins in most persons, by the time we influence age 70 our skin only one-quarter the D vitamins it did from the same amount of sun coverage when we were 25.

Seniors who are snowed in, who live in the north parts of North America, or who cannot go outside without sunscreen are apt to need to get D from .Certain medications can also interfere with the body's ability to use the we unexceptionally get from food. Be good with your Ph.D. almost your diet and routine and ask what auxiliary vitamins you have to be fascinating.


Guide To Good And Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol have both good and bad, and hence this is why it is so very vital to learn what cholesterol is, and how it affects your health, as well as what you can do to lower it if the needed. There are basically two different types of cholesterol, the LDL and the HDL.

LDL is the bad form of cholesterol, when too much of it found in a person's blood, it can slowly build up on the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain, and together with other substances it is able to shape plaque in the body, which is a thick, hard deposit that can block these arteries; a circumstance which is known as atherosclerosis.

Then there is HDL is the good form of cholesterol, and this is due to a high level of it seems to protect against heart attacks. A low level of HDL levels in a person's body will in fact increase the risk of having a heart attack on a human body.

There is also another factor which must be raised in this discussion, and that is in regards to triglyceride, a form of fat that comes from food and it also made in your body. The reason that it is involved in this particular subject matter is because people with high triglycerides often found to have high total cholesterol, high LDL cholesterol and a low HDL cholesterol level.

Good Cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein)

The cholesterol test you normally take actually measures lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are sorted by their density: the measure of fat versus protein in the combination. High density means that there is more protein ratio compared to fat. High density lipoproteins (HDL) are good cholesterol. They do the necessary work assigned to cholesterol, they help to un-clog your arteries and help flush excess fat from your body.

Bad Cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein)

Low density lipoproteins (LDL), very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and triglycerides (a type of fat carried by LDL and VLDL) are the main component of the bad cholesterol. If you have high number of these that they can clog your arteries thus, causing a heart attack or other heart related diseases. The normal level of bad cholesterol is 200mg/dL or less.

Bad and good cholesterol levels vary from person to person. Factors that affect cholesterol levels like being overweight, a diet with too much saturated fat and cholesterol, not enough exercise, heredity and certain medical conditions or medicines. Cholesterol tends to increase with age as well.

How you can Control and Lower Bad Cholesterol

If you have normal levels of good and bad cholesterol all you should to do is ensure that you stay that way and you can do that by taking the following steps: eating healthy and exercising. Eating healthy such as having food items that are low in saturated and trans fat as well as cholesterol.

Also, get in the habit of reading your food labels as they provide all the above mentioned data by law and hence it is easy for you to choose which food items are good and which are damaging for your health.

Some food items that contain high levels of cholesterol are: egg yolks, poultry, meat, shellfish, butter and cheese.

If you already have high levels of the bad cholesterol then the best thing to do is consult your doctor to prescribe you a drug that will help you lower it gradually. There are many cholesterol drugs that are available over the counter and many natural remedies as well. However, it is strongly suggested that you should not self medicate as some of the cholesterol drugs may have serious side effects, which only your doctor can point out as he is familiar with your medical history and conditions.

In general, you can always increase good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol by watching your food intake, exercising regularly and losing weight. You'll also need your doctor's help with the other factors. Don't worry about having too little cholesterol. That's un-likely to happen. Concentrate on building enough good cholesterol, less bad cholesterol and the rest will take care of itself.

Take a minute and learn about your good and bad cholesterol levels, watch closely your food intake and that of your family making them aware as well of the importance of staying below the limits of the bad cholesterol. Just a few minutes of self-education can save your life or one of your family member's.


Helpful Natural Hoodia Diet Pills.

Hoodia Gordonii is a cactus plant found in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. If you buy Hoodia, they contain this derivative of cactus plant. Hoodia is a naturally occurring hunger suppressant molecule clinically called P57 and is used usually to suppress diet intake.

The most surprising fact is that if you buy Hoodia, it can help to reduce your calorie intake by 2000cal per day!

Why should you buy Hoodia

Hoodia is an all natural appetite killer.
It helps you lose weight easily and safely without trying.
They are 100% natural and do not require a prescription.

How does Hoodia work?

The active component in Hoodia pill is the P57 appetite suppressant molecule. Hoodia is normally taken an hour before each meal and it gives you a feeling of satiety; resulting in less food being consumed at meals. Less food consumed means less fat and calorie intake. By combining Hoodia pills with a nutritious diet and regular exercise, you will lose weight and manage the new weight easily.

How many Hoodia pills should I take?

If you buy Hoodia, it is very important you remember the exact recommended dosage. If you take lesser than the requirement, the pills might not work effectively and if you take more, you might face some health complications. The normal recommended dosage of Hoodia is 1-3 pills an hour before your meal, three times a day.

How long will it take to lose weight after I buy Hoodia?

A clinical trial confirmed that repeat dose administration of Hoodia pill caused a significant decrease in daily calorie intake. In as less as 15 days, the calorie intake had decreased by approximately 1000 kcal per day. Therefore, you might see results in a fortnight after you buy Hoodia.

However, as every person differs from others, it is not possible to set a date exactly, but nine out of 10 people lose weight in this period. If however, you do not lose weight in the said time, do not lose hope, it may take some time to see positive results after you buy Hoodia depending on your body type.

Should I expect any side effects after I buy Hoodia?

In clinical studies, Hoodia pills were found safe and gave satisfactory results. However, further scientific studies are still going on to establish the safety profile of Hoodia pills.
You can buy Hoodia, without getting worried about its side effects.


Lots of people after they buy Hoodia shirk all their responsibilities and rely on the pill alone. However, this is not the right approach if you want to lose significant amount of weight. If you buy Hoodia, always remember to pay equal attention to a sensible diet and exercise regime. Though you will feel less hungry after you buy Hoodia, but it does not make sense, that whatever food you take is of high calorie or high fat content.

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Cholesterol Monitor Information

It is important to know your cholesterol numbers. For someone with normal numbers and no additional predictive factors pointing to a danger of high cholesterol, the few tests suggested by the doctor should be sufficient. For someone 20 years or older, a test every 5 years is the suggested number, until the results start showing traces of high cholesterol.

The Home Cholesterol Test Kit

Medical science has been constantly developing tests that can be administered at home to keep track of progress, including some types of cholesterol monitor. Cholesterol levels can vary on a daily basis. For those within the normal range, this isn't a trouble.

When your cholesterol levels are typically at the borderline levels that can be dangerous, it can be important for you to monitor changes so that you can see what is working and what isn't.

The home cholesterol monitor has been delivering trustworthy results by using a few drops of blood. The test takes just a few minutes at home and many of those devices will keep track of the time and date of the test and stores the results as well. Such a tool could be helpful when one is trying a new regimen.

Improvements can be seen as an increased exercise regimen is implemented. As results become better, a patient may find encouragement between doctor's visits and keep up the good work. This can be very important since beginning a diet and exercise program is demanding and high cholesterol can cause depression.

You can find the home cholesterol test kit in any drug store, the kit consist of the tools required in order to conduct an accurate cholesterol test and only with couple drops of blood and 10 minutes later you will be able to tell the levels of cholesterol present in your body.

Several types of cholesterol monitor are miniature computers. This allows different kinds of information to be available. A device may be able to assess current readings in with other risk factors such as smoking take into consideration. The cholesterol test kit which FDA approved is 97% accurate and easy to use.

Who Needs a Cholesterol Test Kit?

The need for such tests can be determined by doctors on a case by case basis. If nothing else, they help a patient play a part more fully in controlling the situation.

Everyone who wants to keep a close monitor on his or her cholesterol without having to go through a doctor's appointment can use the handy cholesterol test kit. I personally suggest it to those who have high levels of cholesterol and need to know where they stand frequently.

Be in Control of Your Cholesterol at all Times With the Cholesterol Test Kit

Cholesterol can be life treating if the levels get too high, and coronary heart disease is a terribly common occurrence in people with high levels of bad cholesterol and the only way to keep these levels in control is to monitor it as often as required. The right level of cholesterol you should have in your body is of 200mg/dl of LDL or less and a minimum of 40mg/dL of HDL or more.

Is the Home Cholesterol Test Good at Giving Accurate Results?

Today you can get all home kits for any type of test. Some kits are very accurate while some may not. The fault may not lie with the kit itself, but in the way it is applied or being used. The home cholesterol test is one such test, which is capable of usually giving perfectly accurate results however it seldom does so due to human error.

Most of the time a home cholesterol test will be accurate, however, doctors do not like to rely on the home cholesterol test and they would insist in taking another test from the lab if you go for treatment. Only when the lab tests results come, they would proceed with the treatment. This is not because the home cholesterol test is not accurate, but because it might be administered wrong for which the readings would come out wrong.

It would be a disaster to prescribe a treatment for cholesterol, when actually it turns out that the person is perfectly fine. This is the reason why doctors usually do not take into consideration the results of any home kit when it comes to serious afflictions such as high cholesterol, diabetes, etc.

The home cholesterol test will be useful only when you can get your home physician to administer it for you; this is meaningful because even after the test is done, you would need a doctor to explain the results. This is why it is smarter if you took a lab test rather than a home cholesterol test. The latter would be useful only when there is a doctor close by who can guide in administering it, as well as reading the results correctly.

It is also important to mention here that any home test should actually be repeated in the lab for double confirmation. Such a way that if your home test results are wrong, you will know before you have to undergo any treatment.

If you follow the instruction exactly as given on the packet, the reading should be accurate. However, before you take any action regarding your health, ensure that you have the test repeated to confirm the findings.

Factors Contributing To High Cholesterol And Its Consequences

Besides diet, other causes of high cholesterol are lifestyle, gender and the heritage of the individual.

Lifestyle issues and high cholesterol:

When we opt for convenience in eating over nutrition, we are setting ourselves up for problems. Eating fast foods and convenience foods results in eating too many fats and salts, which can raise our bad cholesterol levels. In addition, a more sedentary lifestyle also contributes to unhealthy levels of cholesterol. If you want to see a graphic representation of this, consider renting the documentary movie "Supersize Me". This documentary details the attempts of one man to live on fast foods alone. The results on his cholesterol and body health in just 30 days are truly frightening.

A visit to a nutritionist or dietician can help us all better understand eating for the right reasons and for optimal health. It is never too late to start on this path.

Regular exercise will effectively lower cholesterol and will maintain your body strength to function best. Just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, including walking, each day will lower cholesterol. Exercise does not have to be a large time or money commitment. Simple activities that get you moving and that you enjoy enough to repeat are almost always adequate.


An important consideration in eating is choosing lower fat.

Buy cooking oils that are unsaturated. Use low fat cooking sprays to replace heavy oils whenever possible. Reduce your overall use of oils even further by using cooking techniques that require little or no oil.

Age and Gender:

Cholesterol levels increase with age. Women generally have a lower level than men from age 50 to 55. Once a woman starts menopause, the cholesterol level starts to increase.

While there is not much that you can do about your age, you can make sure that age does not threaten your heart health by sticking to a healthy lifestyle and diet and by getting your cholesterol levels monitored.


Genetics play a key role in a person's health and this includes the amount of cholesterol you might have.

Find out if your family battles with high levels of cholesterol and then bring this to your doctor's attention right away. If you have a family history of heart disease and high cholesterol levels, work harder and start earlier in adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating plan.

The job of your arteries is to pump blood. The Dorsal Aorta or the main artery branches out into many smaller arteries. Each body system has arteries which are responsible for providing the oxygen rich blood that keeps us alive. Too much cholesterol in the blood - especially bad cholesterol - prevents arteries from working their best. High levels of bad cholesterol may even prevent arteries from functioning at all, since cholesterol can actually lead to blockages in your arteries.

Arteries are constructed of a tough exterior and a soft, smooth interior. Each artery has three specific layers:

The outer layer

The middle (muscular) layer

The inner layer.

Each are made up of epithelial cells. The middle layer is elastic and very strong. It helps pump the body's blood. The inner layer is smooth and allows the blood to flow easily. As the heart beats, the arteries expand and are filled with blood. The heart relaxes and produces enough force to push the blood through. In a healthy person, this system works effectively and the blood can carry oxygen and other essentials throughout the body.

Disease fills the arteries with fatty deposits and this becomes a dangerous obstacle to good health. High cholesterol levels fill arteries with thick substances that prevent your body from working well. Your heart becomes starved of required blood. If this happens often enough you can suffer a heart attack or a stroke.

Consider: Heart disease is one of the leading killers in North America. Lowering your cholesterol levels through a heart-healthy diet and exercise regimen is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease. Why wouldn't you want to take the simple steps necessary to lower your cholesterol and enjoy a better and possibly longer life?

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Weight Loss Diets

Dietrine - Herbal Diet Pill

For some people, trying to lose just a few pounds can be as big an effort as losing a lot of weight. If you are looking to lose a little bit of weight before swimsuit season or the big reunion, or just to get back into your favorite pair of pants, herbal diet pills can help. These pills enhance your body's own techniques to help melt off the excess weight quickly, easily, and safely. One of the best available is Dietrine Carb Blocker.

There are many prescription-level diet pills that promise weight loss results like Dietrine Carb Blocker. The problem with these pills is that the FDA has labeled them as controlled substances. This means that a prescription is required to get them, and most doctors won't prescribe them for those looking to lose a small amount of weight.

But, since Dietrine Carb Blocker is completely natural and side-effect free, it is available without a prescription. And it works so simply: by restricting the body's natural alpha amylase enzyme, the amount of carbs that are converted to sugar--and consequently fat--is limited. Simply take two capsules before each starchy meal (taking them afterwards has also worked for many), or sprinkle the capsule contents onto your food. Then simply let the pills do their work!

What this means is that, while taking Dietrine Carb Blocker, you can eat all the healthy carbohydrate-rich foods your diet has been lacking, without suffering the consequences of a larger waistline. You'll get the extra help you need to drop those extra few pounds safely and easily. Best of all, you can do it all from this website--just click for ordering information and we'll send your pills directly to your door!

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Natural Weight Loss Tips

Factors Contributing To High Cholesterol And Its Consequences

Besides diet, other causes of high cholesterol are lifestyle, gender and the heritage of the individual.

Lifestyle issues and high cholesterol:

When we opt for convenience in eating over nutrition, we are setting ourselves up for problems. Eating fast foods and convenience foods results in eating too many fats and salts, which can raise our bad cholesterol levels. In addition, a more sedentary lifestyle also contributes to unhealthy levels of cholesterol. If you want to see a graphic representation of this, consider renting the documentary movie "Supersize Me". This documentary details the attempts of one man to live on fast foods alone. The results on his cholesterol and body health in just 30 days are truly frightening.

A visit to a nutritionist or dietician can help us all better understand eating for the right reasons and for optimal health. It is never too late to start on this path.

Regular exercise will effectively lower cholesterol and will maintain your body strength to function best. Just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, including walking, each day will lower cholesterol. Exercise does not have to be a large time or money commitment. Simple activities that get you moving and that you enjoy enough to repeat are almost always adequate.


An important consideration in eating is choosing lower fat.

Buy cooking oils that are unsaturated. Use low fat cooking sprays to replace heavy oils whenever possible. Reduce your overall use of oils even further by using cooking techniques that require little or no oil.

Age and Gender:

Cholesterol levels increase with age. Women generally have a lower level than men from age 50 to 55. Once a woman starts menopause, the cholesterol level starts to increase.

While there is not much that you can do about your age, you can make sure that age does not threaten your heart health by sticking to a healthy lifestyle and diet and by getting your cholesterol levels monitored.


Genetics play a key role in a person's health and this includes the amount of cholesterol you might have.

Find out if your family battles with high levels of cholesterol and then bring this to your doctor's attention right away. If you have a family history of heart disease and high cholesterol levels, work harder and start earlier in adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating plan.

The job of your arteries is to pump blood. The Dorsal Aorta or the main artery branches out into many smaller arteries. Each body system has arteries which are responsible for providing the oxygen rich blood that keeps us alive. Too much cholesterol in the blood - especially bad cholesterol - prevents arteries from working their best. High levels of bad cholesterol may even prevent arteries from functioning at all, since cholesterol can actually lead to blockages in your arteries.

Arteries are constructed of a tough exterior and a soft, smooth interior. Each artery has three specific layers:

The outer layer

The middle (muscular) layer

The inner layer.

Each are made up of epithelial cells. The middle layer is elastic and very strong. It helps pump the body's blood. The inner layer is smooth and allows the blood to flow easily. As the heart beats, the arteries expand and are filled with blood. The heart relaxes and produces enough force to push the blood through. In a healthy person, this system works effectively and the blood can carry oxygen and other essentials throughout the body.

Disease fills the arteries with fatty deposits and this becomes a dangerous obstacle to good health. High cholesterol levels fill arteries with thick substances that prevent your body from working well. Your heart becomes starved of required blood. If this happens often enough you can suffer a heart attack or a stroke.

Consider: Heart disease is one of the leading killers in North America. Lowering your cholesterol levels through a heart-healthy diet and exercise regimen is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease. Why wouldn't you want to take the simple steps necessary to lower your cholesterol and enjoy a better and possibly longer life?

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How to Design a Lower Cholesterol Diet

Eating is one of the things that can affect your cholesterol level a great deal. If you have too high cholesterol, the foods you eat can be one of the things you can control to most effectively and quickly lower your cholesterol. In fact, if you have elevated levels of high cholesterol, a healthy diet is the one thing that you must absolutely do in order to ensure heart health.

Adapting to a Cholesterol Friendly Diet

Once your doctor has confirmed that you have high cholesterol, you can take steps to regain your health by following a low cholesterol and low fat diet. Being true to such a healthful diet will ensure that you can reduce total cholesterol levels by as much as 15 percent. As an added benefit, this sort of diet will also make you feel generally healthier and more energetic as well.

You will benefit further with a regular exercise schedule and this will raise your "good" HDL levels for a total package of healthy living. Do this and within as short as 30 days you will experience a renewed sense of energy and vitality. The effects over all will be immediate.

Following a low cholesterol and low fat diet necessitates that you must do the following:

Get less than 7% of your day's total calories from saturated fat. Your doctor may recommend less.

Receive 25-35% or less of your day's total calories from fat. Your doctor may recommend less.

Consume less than 200 milligrams of dietary cholesterol each day, or follow the limits for dietary cholesterol that your doctor sets for you.

Limit your sodium intake to 2400 milligrams a day. Sea salt is a better option, but reducing your intake of all salts is the better choice.

You should be resolved to eat only enough calories to improve your healthy weight and reduce your blood cholesterol level.

Refuse foods made with harmful trans fats such as margarine, salad dressing and sauces.

Enjoy foods high in soluble fiber. These foods include:

Oats, rye, and barley

Fruits (especially try oranges and pears)

Vegetables (especially brussel sprouts and carrots)

Dried peas and beans

Avoid the Following Foods for Best Health:

High cholesterol foods can increase your level of blood cholesterol. High cholesterol foods include:

Organ meats (this includes liver, which may be eaten in small quantities)

Egg yolks

Full fat dairy products

Fried and processed foods are often high in fat and salt, which can wreak havoc on your heart health. Limit and eat only in moderation if at all:

Highly processed foods, and especially processed meats such as deli meats, sausages, hot dogs, bologna, salami and fatty red meats

All foods that are fried, especially deep fried foods

You will produce meals that have lower saturated fats when you try the following methods of food preparation:







Roast (only if you remove fats that are melted in the process)

Lightly stir-fry or saute using low-fat and low-salt broth

Selecting your Foods

Enjoy a wide variety of foods regularly, including select cuts of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts each week.

You can further keep your blood cholesterol levels low by doing the following:

Choose chicken and turkey that has the skin removed. You can keep the skin on to seal in the juices so long as you remove the skin before eating.

When selecting meat, choose leaner cuts, white meat, and cuts that have less white "marbleized" texture. The white "marble" is fat that can increase your cholesterol.

Select fish such as cod that has less saturated fat than even chicken or other meats.

Even the leanest cuts of meat, chicken, fish, and shellfish have saturated fat and cholesterol so limit your daily intake to 6 ounces or less.

Remember: You can increase soluble fiber if LDL is not lowered enough from reducing saturated fat and cholesterol.

These factors can help you lower the level of cholesterol that is part of your normal food intake.

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How Fats Damage or Destroy Your Arteries

Extensive research in experimental animals has been able to demonstrate how lipids (fat deposits) can leave the bloodstream and enter the artery wall within 24 hours. The atherosclerosis produced in these animals becomes indistinguishable from the atherosclerosis seen in human arteries. What is known and what is important is that there is a definite ratio or relation between the amount of fats in the blood stream and in the artery wall, and this is surprisingly predictable in most cases. Also, the relationship of the fats in the artery wall itself is very close to that in the bloodstream. This direct relationship between the two seems to be in fairly constant balance.

The artery wall consists of three different layers. If the reader can picture a garden hose as representing the artery, it presents an innermost layer called the intima, a middle layer called the media, and an outer layer called the serosa.

The fats circulating in the blood stream are of course closest to the innermost layer of the artery, with which they are in direct contact. When conditions are right for atherosclerosis, the fats attach themselves and enter the inner or intima layer of the artery. A kind of wart or excrescence on the artery is then formed, called a plaque of lat. When the plaque grows larger, it encroaches upon the passageway of the artery. As it grows larger and larger, it may finally block or obstruct it partly or completely. When this clogging or obstruction of the artery takes place in the vital coronary arteries of the heart, then a coronary thrombosis or heart attack assails the victim. If the blockage from these fatty or atheromatous plaques occurs in the brain, then a stroke strikes down the victim.

However, if the artery is only partly blocked by this accumulation of fatty plaques, then the vital organs supplied by the arteries suffer from a lack of the necessary amount of blood and nutriments contained in it to sustain normal function and health.

Along with the fatty deposits of cholesterol, fatty acids, neutral fats, etc., which make up these atheromatous plaques, calcium and other minerals are also deposited. These make the artery feel hard, giving rise to the term commonly in use - "hardening of the arteries." Actually we see a softening of the arteries which takes place first because of these fatty deposits.

It is often noticed in many individuals that this free fat will be floating in the blood stream for hours after a meal containing fat has been eaten. The blood is then called lipemic, which means loaded with fats. When these fats are easily visible to the naked eye, scientists speak of such neutral fats as chylo-microns. These fats in the blood are regarded by many scientists to be as dangerous as is cholesterol, in entering the artery wall.

A great proportion of these fats in the blood are combined with proteins, called lipoproteins, which also have been the subject of research by many investigators. Scientists have only recently discovered by new tools of investigation that in these lipoproteins two separate portions can be measured: the alpha and the beta-lipoproteins. The first have been shown to be protective against the development of atherosclerosis. They are found predominating in infants, children, and young women who have no evidence of atherosclerosis.

On the other hand, the beta-lipoproteins have been found universally in excessive amounts in most cases of active athero-sclerosis and so are called atherosclerosis producers or "atherogenic." The protective alpha-lipoproteins are spoken of as "anti-atherogenic."

The problem of preventing atherosclerosis and its human ravages is the search for ways of increasing the protective alpha-lipoproteins. There are protective substances, such as lecithin, that can be used against the development of atherosclerosis.

One of the greatest factors influential in the current epidemic of heart attacks has unquestionably been the startling increase in fat intake. In the United States alone, the fat content of our diet has just about doubled in recent times. Where fat formerly constituted some 15 to 20 per cent of our meals 50 years ago, it now has jumped to 30 and 40 per cent or more.

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Healthy Soup Recipe Posted By : Spencer Hunt

A strong immune system is your first line of defense against allergies, colds, flu and other illnesses. There are many disease causing viruses and bacteria that invade our systems each day. Having a strong immune system can reduce your chances of becoming ill. There are many ways that you can reduce your risk of catching diseases, including washing your hands well and often, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. There are also many herbal infusions and foods that can also help to boost your immune system.

Your mother's chicken soup cure was right on the money. Make your own by boiling the chicken and seasoning it well to make your own stock. Add fresh vegetables and fresh herbs, such as basil or tarragon, for a soothing, mild flavor. Tip: Basil can be really easy to grow in a garden pot on your back porch!

To make your own soup to strengthen your immune system, follow these guidelines.

For each person you are serving add this per person:
Chop at least one half an onion.
Chop or slice at least two cloves of garlic.

Saut?hese well in olive oil until the onions are soft and translucent.

Add chopped fresh vegetables, whatever is in season is fine, or try these
Yellow Squash
Bell Pepper (red, green, yellow or orange)
Green beans
You can try any one or all of them together.

Also add a lot of seaweed, mushrooms and tonic roots. Add sea salt for flavor.

Use seasonings such as:

Make your own vegetable stock by cooking the vegetables and seasonings in a pot of water. Alternatively, you can purchase vegetable stock or vegetable broth; just make sure that you get the low sodium kind.

Add your onions to your vegetables and seasonings, bring to a boil and simmer for about an hour. You can also add a little cooking sherry or white wine for a mild flavor. After your soup simmers, remove it from the heat and let it sit overnight in a cool place. This is called "mellowing." The next day you can serve the soup with hard, crusty bread.

Seaweed is very beneficial for removing radiation and heavy metals from the body's tissues. Mushrooms are great for strengthening the immune system. They also work to prevent cancer. Shitake mushrooms are most widely recognized for their medicinal properties and helping to prevent disease and cancer, but other mushrooms, including the button kind, work great too. Try different kinds of mushrooms, including Portobello's, porcinni or others.

Tonic roots, such as ginseng, dandelion, chicory, astragalus, burdock and yellow dock, help the liver, lymphatic system and the kidneys work efficiently. These are the organs that protect us from infection and by feeding them nutrients that optimize their capacity to do their jobs, you are protecting yourself from infection.

Seasoning herbs such as thyme, oregano, rosemary, basil, sage and marjoram are rich in antioxidants. Use them to season your soup as well as your favorite foods.

You can do a lot to prevent infection and illness, just remember that sometimes, despite our best efforts, we will become ill. In such cases, remember hydration and a healthy diet. This will help you heal faster.

Self Health Care

Reducing Poor Eating Habits And Increase Your Lifespan

Nutritional scientists, along with the biochemists, are proving more conclusively every day that most of your ills have their beginnings in poor eating habits.

If you want to carry your years lightly toward a longer, happier life, rather than allow the years to drag you along through a miserable, ailing, premature old age, you must take time to analyze your current eating habits. Compare them, one by one, with the stay-young dietary habits that make for a stronger, younger-looking, more vigorous you.

The first thing you need to do if you want to stay healthy is make a planned diet part of your eating habits.

The kind and quantity of food you eat are largely a matter of habits formed in early childhood. This often explains why obesity runs in certain families, although the fatties may try to explain away their overweight by blaming it on an "inherited family trait." Usually the tendency toward obesity lies, instead, in a common family habit of indulging in large meals of rich, starchy foods. Similarly, the persons who "don't like" this, that or the other food are merely following some childhood eating habit.

From the age of thirty onward, if you value your health, good looks and ability to live a long and vigorous life, you must change your eating habits.

The high-energy carbohydrate foods that were tolerated during your earlier years now slow you down and build up deposits of fat in dangerous places. After the super-active childhood years, the exhausting teens and the procreative twenties, few of us are called upon to expend the same amount of energy for daily survival as did our more primitive ancestors. Yet many people go on eating a lumberjack's diet while doing work no more strenuous than sitting at a desk for a few hours a day, or performing a few modernized and mechanized household duties.

After the age of thirty, preferably, and most certainly after 40, you must begin taking stock of your eating habits.

This means more protein and vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables. And less - perhaps none at all - high-starch foods such as rich desserts, all-starch items like white rice and macaroni, fattening bonbons, highly sugared and carbonated soft drinks, or overindulgence in alcoholic beverages.

This menu-in-a-nutshell is your first and most important step toward the goal of a longer life and a younger-looking body. From now on you must accustom yourself to topping off a meal with fruits (or the permissible desserts) rather than with the rich pastries, cakes, candies and jellies you have formed a habit of expecting at the end of every meal. One of the best means of keeping your sweet tooth under control is by looking to honey, nature's own confection, and the only sweet food, besides fruits, that contains valuable food elements.

Bad food habits at any time, and especially during the years that subject men and women to the ordeal of their climacteric (change of life), may be the underlying cause of a physical and mental breakup that can devastate any remnants of youthfulness left to them.

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The Importance of Eating Well

"You are what you eat" a famous doctor once said. And he was so right. Eat well. Eat an abundance of high protein foods. Keep away from too much sugar, starches, and fats. Take plenty of liquids. Avoid intemperate drinks, creamy rich pastries, fried foods, etc. Remember that your body needs the proper amount and variety of vitamins. Vitamin deficiency often causes run-down conditions, makes you susceptible to colds and illness. A sufficiency of vitamin intake is one of nature's great safeguards against the premature aging process. Science has shown that vitamin deficiency robs you of vigor and energy. Let us quickly review some of the vitamins that are so important to the human body and list some foods containing these health-building vitamins.

Vitamin A

An early symptom of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness. Many motorists who find it difficult to drive at night may be suffering from vitamin A deficiency. Some times brittle, scaly skin indicates deficiency of vitamin A. You can get enough vitamin A in foods such as spinach, carrots, broccoli, oysters, peaches, chard, apples, cherries, lemons, oranges, prunes, peas, squash, asparagus, string beans, butter, eggs and cheese.

Vitamin B

A deficiency of vitamin B may lead to nervous conditions, poor appetite and malnutrition in children. You can get enough vitamin B in such foods as follows:

Vitamin B1, B2 and Niacin - beef liver and kidneys, fowl, brains, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, corn, peppers, spinach, onions.

Vitamin B1 alone - ham, pork, beef hearts, brown rice, nuts.

Niacin alone (Niacin was originally called vitamin G and is another vitamin in the B complex) - peanuts, pig liver, salmon, kidneys.

Vitamin C

Have you ever seen a person with bleeding gums or a person who feels depressed and tired all the time? He may lack enough vitamin C. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency appear as swollen gums, sallow complexion, lack of pep. Foods containing vitamin C - citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, liver, bananas, etc.

Vitamin D

Everybody knows how important vitamin D is to proper bone function. A lack of vitamin D may cause soft and weak bones that might easily break or fracture in tough sports competition, or in defending yourself against an assailant. You can get plenty of vitamin D from sunshine, milk, fish, egg yolks, fish-liver oils, butter, and cream.

Fuel for the Human Machine

Just as an automobile needs gasoline to run, the human machine needs energy to operate. The foods fed into the body provide the energy to run the human machine. In addition to furnishing the fuel or human energy, food has another major purpose. It is used for the growth and repair of tissues. Chemical analyses of foods contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and water. Carbohydrates consist of starches and sugars. They are the chief source of human energy. Sugars are digested fast and provide quick pep and energy. Ex-GI's of the Second World War will remember that chocolate bars were always included in their K and C rations for quick pick-up energy!

Starches are found in bread, potatoes, cakes, and macaroni. They certainly satisfy hunger pangs fast. But these foods don't contain enough vitamins, and a diet exclusively of starchy foods leads to overweight and should be shunned by people not engaged in heavy work. The proteins are used primarily for the repair and growth of tissues. Eat foods with high protein content - milk, fish, eggs, and lean meats.

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Salt and Sodium, Are they the Same? Posted By : Michael C. Podlesny

Salt, some of us like the taste, some of us can't stand it, but like it or not it is required in your daily intake. But just how much do you need?

The amount of salt intake will vary depending on your physical activity as well as other factors. Runners for example, the recommended salt intake per day is less than 2,300 milligrams.

Salt has been liked to various forms of diseases and conditions, such as high blood pressure and even Dementia. In Therapy Today Magazine, research director Iain Ryrie said "that If people want to protect themselves against dementia, they should limit the amount of salt and saturated fat they consume and eat foods that contain essential B vitamins, Omega 3 and zinc."

Sodium which is found in salt, is big culprit when it comes to these conditions. The present average person intakes, approximately 3000-4500 mg/day of sodium That is very high, and is, 2-3-fold in comparison with the current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) of 1500 mg.

According to Matthew Kadey of Muscle & Fitness, "Between checking labels for fat grams and counting carbs, who has time to think about sodium? You don't need to obsess over sodium intake, but you should probably work on ways to reduce it in your diet. Here's why: It's estimated that 25% of people with normal blood pressure and about 60% of those with high blood pressure are salt-sensitive, which means that as salt intake goes up, so does blood pressure. If you're salt-sensitive, you may be at a much higher risk for strokes and heart attacks, even though your blood pressure may ordinarily be normal."

Kadey continues, "The sodium in salt can raise your blood pressure in two ways. By causing the body to retain water, sodium increases blood volume and therefore blood pressure. Sodium also causes smooth muscle contraction and constriction of small blood vessels, which is associated with a greater resistance to blood flow. The common "cheat" day that's a part of many fitness enthusiasts' diets can produce an elevated heart rate and blood pressure in response to a sudden increase in sodium ingestion."

"With excessive sodium intake, there's more to worry about than just high blood pressure. When you consume too much sodium, your body retains water to dilute the sodium concentration in your blood to a healthier level. As a result, you urinate less and bloating can occur. So next time your pants feel a little snug, think about that soup you had for lunch -- a can of chicken noodle soup has 2,690 mg of sodium! But you also don't want to go too far in your efforts to avoid sodium. The extreme sodium restriction often employed by fitness competitors and bodybuilders can result in this same water retention as the body fights to retain sodium and, in turn, water," claims Kadey.

So what is the different between sodium and salt? Kadey says, "Sodium is an element found naturally in various foods, and it's essential that we get some in our diets because it regulates the body's fluid balance and blood pressure, helps the muscles relax and carries nutrients to the cells. Table salt (sodium chloride) consists of 40% sodium and 60% chloride; a teaspoon contains 2,300 mg of sodium. Sodium and salt are terms often used interchangeably."

So when choosing your foods read the labels and choose foods with 200mg or less of sodium. Do not just concentrate on reading the fat and carb contents. Remove the salt shaker from the table and use as little salt as possible when cooking. Chances are you are already getting enough in your diet, regardless of how good or bad it is.

By: Michael C. Podlesny

Acne Skin Care Solutions

Healthy Soup Recipe Posted By : Spencer Hunt

A strong immune system is your first line of defense against allergies, colds, flu and other illnesses. There are many disease causing viruses and bacteria that invade our systems each day. Having a strong immune system can reduce your chances of becoming ill. There are many ways that you can reduce your risk of catching diseases, including washing your hands well and often, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. There are also many herbal infusions and foods that can also help to boost your immune system.

Your mother's chicken soup cure was right on the money. Make your own by boiling the chicken and seasoning it well to make your own stock. Add fresh vegetables and fresh herbs, such as basil or tarragon, for a soothing, mild flavor. Tip: Basil can be really easy to grow in a garden pot on your back porch!

To make your own soup to strengthen your immune system, follow these guidelines.

For each person you are serving add this per person:
Chop at least one half an onion.
Chop or slice at least two cloves of garlic.

Saut?hese well in olive oil until the onions are soft and translucent.

Add chopped fresh vegetables, whatever is in season is fine, or try these
Yellow Squash
Bell Pepper (red, green, yellow or orange)
Green beans
You can try any one or all of them together.

Also add a lot of seaweed, mushrooms and tonic roots. Add sea salt for flavor.

Use seasonings such as:

Make your own vegetable stock by cooking the vegetables and seasonings in a pot of water. Alternatively, you can purchase vegetable stock or vegetable broth; just make sure that you get the low sodium kind.

Add your onions to your vegetables and seasonings, bring to a boil and simmer for about an hour. You can also add a little cooking sherry or white wine for a mild flavor. After your soup simmers, remove it from the heat and let it sit overnight in a cool place. This is called "mellowing." The next day you can serve the soup with hard, crusty bread.

Seaweed is very beneficial for removing radiation and heavy metals from the body's tissues. Mushrooms are great for strengthening the immune system. They also work to prevent cancer. Shitake mushrooms are most widely recognized for their medicinal properties and helping to prevent disease and cancer, but other mushrooms, including the button kind, work great too. Try different kinds of mushrooms, including Portobello's, porcinni or others.

Tonic roots, such as ginseng, dandelion, chicory, astragalus, burdock and yellow dock, help the liver, lymphatic system and the kidneys work efficiently. These are the organs that protect us from infection and by feeding them nutrients that optimize their capacity to do their jobs, you are protecting yourself from infection.

Seasoning herbs such as thyme, oregano, rosemary, basil, sage and marjoram are rich in antioxidants. Use them to season your soup as well as your favorite foods.

You can do a lot to prevent infection and illness, just remember that sometimes, despite our best efforts, we will become ill. In such cases, remember hydration and a healthy diet. This will help you heal faster.

Weight Loss Diets

More green stuff in your diet increased nutrition, vitamins and well being Posted By : Robb Stark

Many health and diet columns praise greens but few have any imagination beyond mentioning salad and spinach. There and plenty of overlooked super healthy vegetables within the same category and there any many reasons to wolf them down because they are packed with nutrition and healthy ingredients. So skip the diet pills and read on for some tips and reasons on why you should go greener.

Vegetables are usually divided into two categories; fine vegetables and rough vegetables. Leaf vegetables belong to the fine category. The line between the two categories is distinguished by the amount of fibres they contain. Rough vegetables contain between two and three times more nutritious fibres than fine. In spite of the lower amount fibres in fine vegetables they are extremely healthy. This is because they contain many other favourable substances. Read on to learn about the four most important ones.

Chlorophyll is what makes leafs green. It also contains the mineral magnesium and is chemically reminiscent of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is present in meat and your blood, where it binds and transports oxygen. The difference is that haemoglobin is based on iron and not magnesium. Because they are similar, a diet containing a lot of green leafs help prevent the cancerous effect meat can have on the lower intestines. This is why it is important to eat a lot of greens if you are a meat lover. Chlorophyll also prevents damage on the cells' DNA molecules when they are attacked by cancerous substances in the form of Alfa toxins. DNA damage can be prevented by fifty five percent by an intake of one hundred milligrams of chlorophyll three times a day. This equals a little more than half a cup of chopped raw spinach every day. All you have to look for everyday is the colour; the greener the leafs, especially dark green, the more chlorophyll they contain.

Folic acid is a vitamin B which is present in many leaf vegetables. Folic acid is an important vitamin for the brain. If you add a lot of it to your diet you will be able to keep your head sharp and prevent the increasing memory loss as you get older. Folic acid keeps the level of homocystein in your blood on the lower side. Homocystein increases the loss of brain cells and keeping the levels low helps improve your general brain functions.

Green leaf vegetables also contain high levels of omega-3. Omega-3 is an essential acid, even more so if you do not have a lot of fish in your diet. Several researches have shown that a regular intake of omega-3 prevents heart and vascular diseases. It is probably important for everyone, fish eater or not, to remember to include omega-3 in their diet for a healthier life.

Vitamin K is also highly present in many green leaf vegetables. Vitamin K can probably decrease the deterioration of the skeleton, and is also able to bind the proteins in the skeleton which are responsible for the build up of calcium. Vitamin K is also a contributing factor when it comes to the blood's ability to clot properly. This means that a lack of vitamin K hinders the effect blood thinning medicines have.

Weight Loss Diets

Consume Bright Colored Foods for Better Health

A plate of colored food is not only very pleasing to our eyes, but also very healthy. What looks good to eat is also very healthy for us and if you are finding it difficult to persuade your children to eat those boring old tired looking vegetables, then try brightening up their plates with some nice bright colors.

Kids love brightly colored pop and candy so it should not be a difficult thing to persuade them to eat some brightly colored vegetables like peppers, tomatoes, quashes and even thinly sliced carrots with a nice dip. The more intense the color the better for you they appear to be. Colored foods are normally packed full of anti-oxidants that help to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and to mop up free radicals present in our bodies. These antioxidants are all chemicals, and many of the naturally occurring antioxidants are highly colored. They are very good at destroying free radicals.

Free radicals are a form of chemical that destroy body cells, and not only accelerate the effects of aging, but also harm our heart. A free radical is a molecule with an unpaired electron. Electrons like to go around in pairs. Every atom has pairs of electrons, and one atom has an odd number then it pairs up with another atom with an odd number, so the two form a compound with an even number of electrons.

However, now and again, the body's metabolism throws up a molecule with an unpaired electron. That electron's first thought is to find a partner, and it does so by stealing one from a cell in your body. The result is the disruption and destruction of the cell. Free radicals can also be formed by environmental pollution, cigarette smoke, pesticides and so on.

Anti-oxidants destroy free radicals, and generally keep us healthier for longer. They do so by mopping up the extra electron, and there are many different types of antioxidant that form part of our normal diet. Among them are vitamins A, C and E, but there are others that are complex highly colored organic compounds. Among these are the anthocyanins, known to paint and ink manufacturers as strong red pigments.

Anthocyanins are the pigments or dyes that color red grapes, egg plant, plums and blueberries and they are very powerful antioxidants. However, it is not only for antioxidants that we should eat colorful foods. Some dark green foods, such as spinach, green peppers, peas, celery and dark leafy vegetables, contain what are known as lutein. Lutein works in combination with zeaxanthin to protect our eyes from cataracts and a condition known as macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness. Zeaxanthin is available from red peppers, oranges, egg yolk and corn.

Many people take folic acid supplements help maintain a healthy heart, and especially women to help prevent birth defects. However, the natural form of folic acid, folate is available from green foods such as lettuce, green beans, broccoli, peas, green grapes, and many other green foods. Broccoli and cabbage also contain indoles also known as indol-3-carbinol are believed to protect your from some cancers. So green is good!

Yellow is also good, and foods such as grapefruit, pineapple and melon help to boost the immune system and keep infections at bay, and also to provide energy and help maintain healthy eyes. Many antioxidants are yellow, although yellow might not a color that you would associate as being attractive to children, unless very bright. However, the yellow foods tend to be fruits rather than vegetables, and it is much easier to persuade a child to eat a pineapple than a squash.

Lycopene is another very powerful antioxidant that prevents the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that can damage the cardiovascular system through atherosclerosis. Lycopene is a red pigment very common in tomatoes, and is fat soluble. It is a member of the carotenoid family of antioxidants that are common in brightly colored foods such as carrots, red peppers and many yellow fruits and vegetables as described above. Lutein is also a carotenoid.

A diet rich in carotenoids is very good for keeping the effects of aging at bay and protecting you from heart problems. Lycopene is contained in the liver, colon, skin and prostate gland, and can occur at higher concentrations than most other carotenoids. People that suffer from HIV infections, high cholesterol diseases and inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis, are generally found to have low levels of lycopene in their blood.

Many of the so-called 'superfoods' are also brightly colored, and useful not just for their antioxidant properties. Take cranberries for example. These bright red berries contain proanthocyanadins that prevent some bacteria such as e-coli from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infections such as cystitis, and also from adhering to the gums. Cranberries can therefore be used in the treatment of some gum diseases. However, they also possess strong antioxidant properties that help to protect the body against some cancers and also heart disease.

Blueberries are high in vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants with strong anti-inflammatory properties. Pomegranates have exceptionally high antioxidant content and are excellent for a healthy cardiovascular system while strong green broccoli contains not only vitamin C and antioxidants but also folate (the natural form of folic acid) and the phytochemical sulforafane that is believed to protect against certain cancers.

The color of your food, therefore, not only makes it look pretty on your plate and attractive to children, but also indicates the presence of strong antioxidants and other chemicals that help to protect you from specific medical conditions. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of the so-called superfoods is vegetable in origin rather than animal, and also tastes good. You should eat as many of them as you can, and certainly at least five portions every day.

Some can also be used as a remedy for specific conditions in addition to being used for their preventative properties, such as cranberries are used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, and specific diets can help to reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body. Eating with your eyes is not always a bad thing. Some may find it hard to consume enough colorful fruits and vegetables to be beneficial so what is a person to do? Your local health food store has available powdered vegetable and fruit concentrates that supply all the needed nutrients in one simple drink.

more information on fruit and vegetable concentrates at where one can find a large selection of powdered supplements to help improve health.
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Salt and Sodium, Are they the Same? Posted By : Michael C. Podlesny

Salt, some of us like the taste, some of us can't stand it, but like it or not it is required in your daily intake. But just how much do you need?

The amount of salt intake will vary depending on your physical activity as well as other factors. Runners for example, the recommended salt intake per day is less than 2,300 milligrams.

Salt has been liked to various forms of diseases and conditions, such as high blood pressure and even Dementia. In Therapy Today Magazine, research director Iain Ryrie said "that If people want to protect themselves against dementia, they should limit the amount of salt and saturated fat they consume and eat foods that contain essential B vitamins, Omega 3 and zinc."

Sodium which is found in salt, is big culprit when it comes to these conditions. The present average person intakes, approximately 3000-4500 mg/day of sodium That is very high, and is, 2-3-fold in comparison with the current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) of 1500 mg.

According to Matthew Kadey of Muscle & Fitness, "Between checking labels for fat grams and counting carbs, who has time to think about sodium? You don't need to obsess over sodium intake, but you should probably work on ways to reduce it in your diet. Here's why: It's estimated that 25% of people with normal blood pressure and about 60% of those with high blood pressure are salt-sensitive, which means that as salt intake goes up, so does blood pressure. If you're salt-sensitive, you may be at a much higher risk for strokes and heart attacks, even though your blood pressure may ordinarily be normal."

Kadey continues, "The sodium in salt can raise your blood pressure in two ways. By causing the body to retain water, sodium increases blood volume and therefore blood pressure. Sodium also causes smooth muscle contraction and constriction of small blood vessels, which is associated with a greater resistance to blood flow. The common "cheat" day that's a part of many fitness enthusiasts' diets can produce an elevated heart rate and blood pressure in response to a sudden increase in sodium ingestion."

"With excessive sodium intake, there's more to worry about than just high blood pressure. When you consume too much sodium, your body retains water to dilute the sodium concentration in your blood to a healthier level. As a result, you urinate less and bloating can occur. So next time your pants feel a little snug, think about that soup you had for lunch -- a can of chicken noodle soup has 2,690 mg of sodium! But you also don't want to go too far in your efforts to avoid sodium. The extreme sodium restriction often employed by fitness competitors and bodybuilders can result in this same water retention as the body fights to retain sodium and, in turn, water," claims Kadey.

So what is the different between sodium and salt? Kadey says, "Sodium is an element found naturally in various foods, and it's essential that we get some in our diets because it regulates the body's fluid balance and blood pressure, helps the muscles relax and carries nutrients to the cells. Table salt (sodium chloride) consists of 40% sodium and 60% chloride; a teaspoon contains 2,300 mg of sodium. Sodium and salt are terms often used interchangeably."

So when choosing your foods read the labels and choose foods with 200mg or less of sodium. Do not just concentrate on reading the fat and carb contents. Remove the salt shaker from the table and use as little salt as possible when cooking. Chances are you are already getting enough in your diet, regardless of how good or bad it is.

By: Michael C. Podlesny

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A Meal Replacement to Start Your Day: Rice-n-Shine

Rice n Shine is a delicious, all natural, heart healthy energy shake made from stabilized rice bran. Studies have shown that rice bran, a portion of brown rice, has many uses in improving your health. Although natural rice bran decays very quickly, the patented stabilized rice bran in Rice n Shine give it a shelf life of 2-3 years. Rice n Shine not only promotes higher energy levels but it also provides essential daily nutrients such as amino acids, fatty acids, phystosterols, vitamin E, vitamin B and natural antioxidants. This is the essential key to any weight management program.

This revolutionary natural product has shown numerous benefits, the most important of which is its preventative nature against chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, fibromyalgia, and arthritis. Nutritionist and health food specialist Patricia MacPeak (nicknamed "Rice Patty") has spent a great deal of time ensuring that Rice n Shine is of the highest quality and provides the greatest health benefits. The end result of this tireless research is this very product.

Rice n Shine allows the user to partake of the valuable nutrients in three simple ways. Rice n Shine can be served by itself as a drink or with a small breakfast, you can make Rice n Shine into a shake with other ingredients, or you can use the powder as an ingredient in many recipes.

The last two options permit you to enjoy the many benefits of the nutrients and vitamins in Rice-n-Shine while also including the utility provided by the portability of a smoothie or muffin. This product is naturally at is best when used every day so be sure to follow the directions and recommended quantities.

A serving of this exciting new product contains 10% of daily advised amount of soluble and insoluble fibers, 8 grams of whey protein, no saturated fat or cholesterol, and only 2 grams of net carbs, as well as much more.

Rice 'n Shine is unlike other meal replacement shakes. Other systems are inferior in that they don't have the same delicious taste and nutrient content of Rice 'n Shine. Other meal replacements are also high in sugar or other unhealthy artificial sweeteners, and have tons of potentially harmful unnatural additives, while Rice-n-Shine is all natural. The benefits of rice and rice bran are available at an unbeatable price in this delicious, high-powered energy drink.

Natural Weight Loss Tips

Salt and Sodium, Are they the Same? Posted By : Michael C. Podlesny

Salt, some of us like the taste, some of us can't stand it, but like it or not it is required in your daily intake. But just how much do you need?

The amount of salt intake will vary depending on your physical activity as well as other factors. Runners for example, the recommended salt intake per day is less than 2,300 milligrams.

Salt has been liked to various forms of diseases and conditions, such as high blood pressure and even Dementia. In Therapy Today Magazine, research director Iain Ryrie said "that If people want to protect themselves against dementia, they should limit the amount of salt and saturated fat they consume and eat foods that contain essential B vitamins, Omega 3 and zinc."

Sodium which is found in salt, is big culprit when it comes to these conditions. The present average person intakes, approximately 3000-4500 mg/day of sodium That is very high, and is, 2-3-fold in comparison with the current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) of 1500 mg.

According to Matthew Kadey of Muscle & Fitness, "Between checking labels for fat grams and counting carbs, who has time to think about sodium? You don't need to obsess over sodium intake, but you should probably work on ways to reduce it in your diet. Here's why: It's estimated that 25% of people with normal blood pressure and about 60% of those with high blood pressure are salt-sensitive, which means that as salt intake goes up, so does blood pressure. If you're salt-sensitive, you may be at a much higher risk for strokes and heart attacks, even though your blood pressure may ordinarily be normal."

Kadey continues, "The sodium in salt can raise your blood pressure in two ways. By causing the body to retain water, sodium increases blood volume and therefore blood pressure. Sodium also causes smooth muscle contraction and constriction of small blood vessels, which is associated with a greater resistance to blood flow. The common "cheat" day that's a part of many fitness enthusiasts' diets can produce an elevated heart rate and blood pressure in response to a sudden increase in sodium ingestion."

"With excessive sodium intake, there's more to worry about than just high blood pressure. When you consume too much sodium, your body retains water to dilute the sodium concentration in your blood to a healthier level. As a result, you urinate less and bloating can occur. So next time your pants feel a little snug, think about that soup you had for lunch -- a can of chicken noodle soup has 2,690 mg of sodium! But you also don't want to go too far in your efforts to avoid sodium. The extreme sodium restriction often employed by fitness competitors and bodybuilders can result in this same water retention as the body fights to retain sodium and, in turn, water," claims Kadey.

So what is the different between sodium and salt? Kadey says, "Sodium is an element found naturally in various foods, and it's essential that we get some in our diets because it regulates the body's fluid balance and blood pressure, helps the muscles relax and carries nutrients to the cells. Table salt (sodium chloride) consists of 40% sodium and 60% chloride; a teaspoon contains 2,300 mg of sodium. Sodium and salt are terms often used interchangeably."

So when choosing your foods read the labels and choose foods with 200mg or less of sodium. Do not just concentrate on reading the fat and carb contents. Remove the salt shaker from the table and use as little salt as possible when cooking. Chances are you are already getting enough in your diet, regardless of how good or bad it is.

By: Michael C. Podlesny

Beauty Supplements

Healthy Soup Recipe Posted By : Spencer Hunt

A strong immune system is your first line of defense against allergies, colds, flu and other illnesses. There are many disease causing viruses and bacteria that invade our systems each day. Having a strong immune system can reduce your chances of becoming ill. There are many ways that you can reduce your risk of catching diseases, including washing your hands well and often, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. There are also many herbal infusions and foods that can also help to boost your immune system.

Your mother's chicken soup cure was right on the money. Make your own by boiling the chicken and seasoning it well to make your own stock. Add fresh vegetables and fresh herbs, such as basil or tarragon, for a soothing, mild flavor. Tip: Basil can be really easy to grow in a garden pot on your back porch!

To make your own soup to strengthen your immune system, follow these guidelines.

For each person you are serving add this per person:
Chop at least one half an onion.
Chop or slice at least two cloves of garlic.

Saut?hese well in olive oil until the onions are soft and translucent.

Add chopped fresh vegetables, whatever is in season is fine, or try these
Yellow Squash
Bell Pepper (red, green, yellow or orange)
Green beans
You can try any one or all of them together.

Also add a lot of seaweed, mushrooms and tonic roots. Add sea salt for flavor.

Use seasonings such as:

Make your own vegetable stock by cooking the vegetables and seasonings in a pot of water. Alternatively, you can purchase vegetable stock or vegetable broth; just make sure that you get the low sodium kind.

Add your onions to your vegetables and seasonings, bring to a boil and simmer for about an hour. You can also add a little cooking sherry or white wine for a mild flavor. After your soup simmers, remove it from the heat and let it sit overnight in a cool place. This is called "mellowing." The next day you can serve the soup with hard, crusty bread.

Seaweed is very beneficial for removing radiation and heavy metals from the body's tissues. Mushrooms are great for strengthening the immune system. They also work to prevent cancer. Shitake mushrooms are most widely recognized for their medicinal properties and helping to prevent disease and cancer, but other mushrooms, including the button kind, work great too. Try different kinds of mushrooms, including Portobello's, porcinni or others.

Tonic roots, such as ginseng, dandelion, chicory, astragalus, burdock and yellow dock, help the liver, lymphatic system and the kidneys work efficiently. These are the organs that protect us from infection and by feeding them nutrients that optimize their capacity to do their jobs, you are protecting yourself from infection.

Seasoning herbs such as thyme, oregano, rosemary, basil, sage and marjoram are rich in antioxidants. Use them to season your soup as well as your favorite foods.

You can do a lot to prevent infection and illness, just remember that sometimes, despite our best efforts, we will become ill. In such cases, remember hydration and a healthy diet. This will help you heal faster.

Natural Beauty Products

More green stuff in your diet increased nutrition, vitamins and well being Posted By : Robb Stark

Many health and diet columns praise greens but few have any imagination beyond mentioning salad and spinach. There and plenty of overlooked super healthy vegetables within the same category and there any many reasons to wolf them down because they are packed with nutrition and healthy ingredients. So skip the diet pills and read on for some tips and reasons on why you should go greener.

Vegetables are usually divided into two categories; fine vegetables and rough vegetables. Leaf vegetables belong to the fine category. The line between the two categories is distinguished by the amount of fibres they contain. Rough vegetables contain between two and three times more nutritious fibres than fine. In spite of the lower amount fibres in fine vegetables they are extremely healthy. This is because they contain many other favourable substances. Read on to learn about the four most important ones.

Chlorophyll is what makes leafs green. It also contains the mineral magnesium and is chemically reminiscent of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is present in meat and your blood, where it binds and transports oxygen. The difference is that haemoglobin is based on iron and not magnesium. Because they are similar, a diet containing a lot of green leafs help prevent the cancerous effect meat can have on the lower intestines. This is why it is important to eat a lot of greens if you are a meat lover. Chlorophyll also prevents damage on the cells' DNA molecules when they are attacked by cancerous substances in the form of Alfa toxins. DNA damage can be prevented by fifty five percent by an intake of one hundred milligrams of chlorophyll three times a day. This equals a little more than half a cup of chopped raw spinach every day. All you have to look for everyday is the colour; the greener the leafs, especially dark green, the more chlorophyll they contain.

Folic acid is a vitamin B which is present in many leaf vegetables. Folic acid is an important vitamin for the brain. If you add a lot of it to your diet you will be able to keep your head sharp and prevent the increasing memory loss as you get older. Folic acid keeps the level of homocystein in your blood on the lower side. Homocystein increases the loss of brain cells and keeping the levels low helps improve your general brain functions.

Green leaf vegetables also contain high levels of omega-3. Omega-3 is an essential acid, even more so if you do not have a lot of fish in your diet. Several researches have shown that a regular intake of omega-3 prevents heart and vascular diseases. It is probably important for everyone, fish eater or not, to remember to include omega-3 in their diet for a healthier life.

Vitamin K is also highly present in many green leaf vegetables. Vitamin K can probably decrease the deterioration of the skeleton, and is also able to bind the proteins in the skeleton which are responsible for the build up of calcium. Vitamin K is also a contributing factor when it comes to the blood's ability to clot properly. This means that a lack of vitamin K hinders the effect blood thinning medicines have.

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