How to Handle the Vitamin Crisis

You and I are facing a critical vitamin and mineral shortage. This health crisis has been growing at an alarming rate since the early 1900's. Of particular concern are folks on weight loss diets - especially low carb diets.

As a partial result, nutritionally driven chronic diseases have reached epidemic proportions. About 95% of people over 40 will suffer from one or more of these chronic diseases by the time they reach retirement. Diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, loss of vision - to name a few. That's 95 people out of every 100.

This came as an eye-opener to most people who realized that our food contains much less nutrition today and yet our body needs much more vitamins and minerals than ever before in human history. The problem is two-fold. On the one hand, we have reduced the intake of vegetables in our daily diet; and on the other hand, whatever vegetables we do take are devoid of natural nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Let me explain the problem further.

The basic truth is that plants are the only source of all vitamins and minerals for every living creature, directly or indirectly from the food-chain - from an animal or fish that eats plants. Plants create body-ready vitamins and minerals from nutrients in the soil. The richer the soil, the more vitamins and minerals are packed into the plants. On the other hand, vegetables grown in poor soil will have far lower levels of vitamins and minerals.

PLANTS ARE THE SOLE SOURCE OF ALL VITAMINS AND MINERALS FOR EVERY LIVING CREATURE. Even animals that eat nothing but meat - the vitamins came from somewhere down the food-chain - from an animal or fish that eats plants. PLANTS CREATE BODY-READY VITAMINS AND MINERALS FROM NUTRIENTS IN THE SOIL. The richer the soil, the more vitamins and minerals are packed into the plants. On the other hand, vegetables grown in poor soil will have far lower levels of vitamins and minerals.

As commercial growers keep using the same fields year after year, the soils keep losing their rich nutrients. And, as soils deplete, so does the vitamin and mineral content of the vegetables grown in that soil. Chemical companies have come to their aid by providing chemicals that will force the plants to grow in poor soil.

The paradox lies in the fact that the vegetable available these days are less nutritious than those hundred years back but we still need more and more of them. On the other hand, genetic engineers have created vegetables that are more disease resistant, that grow faster, are more visually attractive, and are easier to harvest. But, they have done nothing to increase the nutrient levels of the plants - or to enrich the soil.

Try to take fresh, whole fruits, vegetables in your daily diet in their raw, uncooked form or cook slowly at low heat to preserve the nutrients. They are the best quality vitamins and minerals you can buy and most of us are not even eating the minimum recommended amounts.

Wherever you have a choice, look for organically grown produce at your grocery store or health food store. They will be much tastier and will contain the much higher levels of nutrients, even though they will be more expensive. They will have the flavour of vegetables of a century ago that belonged to the pre-chemicals era of farming.

Look for organically grown produce at your grocery store or health food store. Generally this produce will contain the much higher levels of nutrients - as they did a century ago - without the chemicals. They cost more but you get a LOT MORE nutrients and much more succulent flavor than commercially grown produce.

Regardless of how perfect our diet is, you will still need to supplement it with vitamins today. You will need at least 3 large tablets or six medium size tablets every day. Less than that is virtually ineffective. Make sure you buy good quality vitamin supplements at most reputable vitamin or health food stores or buy online.

You'll find good quality vitamin supplements at most reputable vitamin or health food stores. Best bet - buy online for the best price and selection of high quality vitamin supplements. Financially speaking, this is a critical part of our retirement program. If we don't have good health at retirement, nothing else will matter. Vitamin supplements are, by far, the cheapest health insurance and wisest retirement plan we can invest in.


Eat Blueberries, Remember Stuff!

I love antioxidants! We already know that antioxidants perform an important role in our bodies by neutralizing harmful free radicals. But did you know that certain foods that contain these antioxidants may have very specific healthful effects on the body and mind? Some evidence has shown that a diet rich in blueberry extract may improve short-term memory. Now that's something I can use. I'll try to remember to eat more of 'em!

A recent USDA study done on aging rats to be published in the Sept. 15 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience offers some support for the consumption of blueberries. The findings suggest that the consumption of fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants (including our little blue buddies) can help fight the dysfunctions and diseases associated with aging. Researchers fed extracts of blueberry, strawberry or spinach to rats and all three extracts improved short-term memory. The blueberry extract also improved balance and coordination.

What else can blueberries do? Well, possibly quite a bit. Although additional research is needed, blueberries may lower the risk of some cancers and promote urinary tract health. They may also improve vision, clean arteries, strengthen blood vessels, and promote weight control. Time and additional human studies may help strengthen these claims about blueberry benefits. Many of these health benefits are attributed to photochemicals found in blueberries such as anthocyanins and phenolics. Blueberries can be taken in the form of an extract (pill) or as fresh fruit, of course. Both should contain the ever-important phytonutrients and both should offer similar benefits. When taken in the dietary supplement form, the product should contain extracts standardized with both anthocyanins and pterostilbene. Many times the blueberry extracts will be found as part of a combination product with other fruit and vegetable extracts.

Personally, I can offer purely subjective data that blueberries do improve my memory. I have no objective data to support that assertion. There are many uncontrollable variables that would prevent me from keeping a log or record that would be of any significant value. Nonetheless, I know that many benefits from eating healthy foods such as blueberries are subtle and insidious. There is a long term benefit and not immediate gratification. I have faith in the blues. Time and additional research will hopefully prove once and for all that blueberries have specific benefits in humans. Fortunately for me, I find nothing tastier for a late night snack than some fat free cottage cheese mixed with a big handful of blueberries! I will benefit from the snack whether or not additional research proves it's really good for my brain.

Glyconutrition and the Immune System: Don't Leave Home Without It

Imagine your reaction when you open a fortune cookie and it reads, "Psychics will lead dogs to your body." Sort of unnerving, huh? It is, if you don't first roll over in gut-busting laughter. But, I'm told, that really did happen... I don't know the reaction of the person involved, but it could have been a bit uncomfortable. After all, why do we open the "fortune cookie" to begin with?

Anyway, people can be disturbed by things like that...and history is replete with such tales. As a physician, what amazes me is the fact we can be a bit uneasy about superstitious events but have no problem "leaving our immune systems" at home.

What do I mean? Let me explain.

Pollsters and advertisers tell us people will spend a fortune getting well, trying to cure or mitigate some disease or condition but will seldom spend a dime PREVENTING disease or health conditions. This is a particularly important point when considering your immune system.

Again, as a physician, I was always in amazement when I would tell someone what to do, as to NOT get sick again. Do you think they listened? Sometimes. But they ALWAYS spend a lot on getting well, if possible.

That is particularly the case with immune system problems...and immune system problems are our biggest health worries, once they "hit" us.

When you go out into the world every day, try to remember you have an immune system designed to withstand the daily medical issues that afflict us. But, it needs help. Like any defense system, it needs replenishing so as to do its vital work. Immune system malfunction is at the root of most disease conditions.

But, that's the problem. We can be superstitious about things which have no sound scientific basis to them. But, when warned about the potential failure of our body's defense and replenishing system...the immune system, we go on without taking heed.

The Immune system: Quidquid praecipies, esto brevis.

In case your Latin is a little rusty, "Whatever you teach, be brief." A wise maxim. So I will herein live up to it. "If your immune system suffers, you will too." Let me repeat that another way, "If your immune system becomes over active or under could develop diabetes, cancer, arthritis, allergies, strep, bronchitis, tuberculosis and a host of immune system related conditions.

Solution? Well, given the scientific surge in glyconutritional research, the actual solution to these and many others has been, for many sufferers, glyconutritional products. Why? Glyconutrients are the key nutrients designed to strengthen the immune system.

But, why wait to get sick? Did you know that baby's breast milk is loaded with glyconutrients? Given that, then it is a big non-surprise that their immune systems are well nourished and diseases often pass them by while others around them (including mama) are getting sick!

Did you know many plants (foods/herbs), which people from varying cultures have known about for centuries, actually aid the immune system? The following foods have been known for their "healing properties" over the centuries...and because of the boost given to the immune system of our bodies by the glyconutrients in them...we know why.

Immune system boosters: Aloe Vera, coconut, Astragalus, mushrooms (medicinal), Echinacea, some algae, garlic, pectin of fruits, some herbs, yeasts, maize, breast milk, certain saps, husks...

Note the fact the immune system can be kept strong so as to furnish maximum defense when we need it. Why not GET glyconutrional support for your immune system and PREVENT the kinds of conditions that bog you down?

Why suffer from multiple bouts of flu and colds? They are due to an under active immune system.

Why suffer from repeated forays of strep? It too is due to an under active immune system. Get an immune system boost through glyconutrition.

How about those ear infections in junior? Ear infections are due also, in part, to under active immune system conditions. Give them a boost. Glyconutritionals are non-prescription. They are also non-toxic (They're foods!).

Are you ready for the allergy season? Allergies are the response to over active immune systems. Don't groan. Cursing the darkness doesn't CURE anything. Glyconutrional supplementation modulates the immune system also. That's a fancy way of saying the immune system is regulated by the glyconutrients.

What about those of us who have been literally tormented, embarrassed, fatigued and distressed by acute sinus infections? Sinusitis is due, in part, to an under active immune system. I don't have to tell you what a relief PREVENTION would be. NOT GETTING sinusitis is well worth it. On the other hand, most of us will continue to wait until our immune systems fail us...we get sick...miss work...sneezing all the time, excusing ourselves forever...

All of us see the wisdom in preventing the "let down" our immune systems will suffer IF we do not provide the nutritional strength needed, just as surely as not having vitamin C will ALWAYS result in scurvy. Remember, glyconutrients are NOT new vitamins, minerals, amino acids or enzymes. They are an entirely different nutrient. And they are food. Think NON-Prescription.

Of course, prevention is all it is "cracked up to be." We see some expense (nothing like "sick bills" i.e. days lost at work, doctor's visits, x-rays, prescriptions, weakness, suffering, etc.)...We see no apparent results (how do you "see" your immune system anyway?)...We stay healthy (because we aren't sick to begin with!)...and we decide there's nothing happening, so we quit prevention, thinking all is well.

Watch out for fortune cookies.

For more information on glyconutrion visit Write to or call 1-866-735-5871

The Connection Between Omega 3 and Aggressive Behavior

Scientific studies published in both the United States and the United Kingdom have now shown that antisocial behavior, aggression and violence are a result of poor diet. This particularly affects those people who eat processed and highly refined foods. These studies also point out that a diet high in omega 3 oils can cause a significant reduction in violent and aggressive behavior.

This is great news, but it's not exactly earth shattering. Any parent who's watched their children get wound up after eating sugar can tell you what it's taken researchers years to figure out. And, these researchers are not even the first ones to come to this conclusion.

Back in the 1930s Dr. Weston Price, an American researcher, provided evidence proving that a diet made up of processed and refined foods increased the likelihood of antisocial, deviant, violent and aggressive behavior.

In a study he did of delinquent boys, he found that 98.4% demonstrated the characteristics, physical, emotional and mental, of malnourished individuals. He observed what foods they were eating and confirmed that they were getting less than optimal nutrition from processed foods.

Dr. Price also found that "primitive" societies, those who ate a natural, non-commercial diet, left "few impressions [that] can be more vivid than that of the absence of prisons and asylums." And he goes on to reference many studies at that time showing how violence and crime increased greatly with each generation eating refined processed foods.

So take a look at what you and your family are eating. Do you eat whole foods or the highly processed fake foods that line our grocery store shelves? How much nutrition do you think you're getting from those fake foods? If you answered, "none" or "not much" - you're right.

And what about the omega 3 oils that researchers have proven have such a significant effect on behavior? Well, unless you're eating fatty fish like salmon, tuna or mackerel at least 3 times a week, you and your family are not getting enough of those oils either.

So what can you do? Well the first thing you'll want to do is to get more whole foods in your diet. By "whole foods", I mean things that haven't been processed - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy.

Next, you need to add between 3 to 5 servings of fatty fish to your family's diet each week. Now for most people, that's going to be close to impossible.

So in order to get your omega 3s, you'll need to start taking a high quality, pure fish oil supplement. It will provide the all-important omega 3 oils that are necessary for our brains to function properly

And when our brains are functioning properly, you'll see fewer incidences of aggressive behavior, attention deficit disorder, violence, depression and ADHD. Doesn't that sound like a brighter future?

Plan to Eat and Eat According to Your Plan

Poor nutrition has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and many other diseases. We can reduce our risk by choosing well-balanced meals. Balance, moderation and variety are the keys to eating well to maintain a sound mind and body.

This is the age of fast foods and eating out - the obvious consequence of fast-paced life, extreme work pressure and long and erratic hours of work and travel. Home food has become a rarity, a great challenge but worth adopting nonetheless.

The first and, perhaps, the most difficult part of switching over to a balanced diet is to make up your mind to do it. Once you've accepted the challenge, start by making a plan. Planning is the first part of the program and the most decisive one since it sets the direction. Those who fail to plan invariably plan to fail. So, you must plan your meals at the beginning of the week. Make sure you include whole grain cereal, whole-wheat toast, fruit, low-fat yogurt, 100% juice, and skim milk for breakfast. In order to avoid the temptation to go to the fast food joint, pack your lunch the night before with leftovers from dinner, a veggie or tuna sandwich with low-fat mayo, fruit or soup. Have lots of ready-made salads, minus the dressing, for a quick and easy dinner. Keep the fridge full of vegetables with low fat dip for easy snacking for the kids.

To beat the strenuous work schedules, prepare meals that can be stored in the freezer such as casseroles and pasta dishes so that all you need to do during week days is to take a dish out of the freezer in the morning, and heat it when you come back from work. And, dinner is ready in 35-45 minutes without much effort.

Eating healthy should become a way of life. However, you will need an extra effort in the beginning, which basically means proper planning and strict discipline. Remember, old habits die hard and the effort you put in is to break old habits not to prepare healthy meals. You will need to overcome the temptation to drift back into the old routine. You might find it rigorous to prepare meals and grocery shopping may feel like a chore. But, if you are determined, you will start enjoying it within a few weeks. When you discard a bad habit and adopt a good habit, you will feel strong and more in control. And the results will be so encouraging that you will not need any other motivation to continue.

By providing healthy meals to your family you not only improve their health but also educate them about leading a healthy lifestyle. You become a good role model for your family that will go down from one generation to the next. This way you can correct the health problems inherited from parents and end the risk for your family's future generations.

The goal here is to enjoy nutritious and tasty foods. Remember, moderation is key so do not be too obsessed or restrictive as you may sabotage your success resulting in binge eating. Many of you can probably relate to forcing yourself not to eat a certain type of food such as a cookie, only to find a whole box devoured later. Have the cookie to prevent overeating down the road.

Planning your meals is very important. Make sure you include protein, whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. According to the RDA, your daily intake of carbohydrates should be 55-70%, fats 20-30% and proteins 15-20%. The World Health Organization suggests 40-50 grams of fiber daily. Basically, you should plan a varied diet because it is essential for good health. Concentrate on foods that are high in vitamins, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, unrefined carbohydrates, high fiber, low in sugar, low in fat, low in sodium, and limit alcohol consumption. Eating well and limiting your use of salt, sugar, caffeine, fats, can reduce stress and disease. American Cancer Society has stated that as much as 60% of cancer is related to diet.

By changing your eating habits you can live a healthy and less stressful life. All you need to do is to make a plan and stick to it. If you include your family in the process of planning, it will be easy to follow the plan. So, start eating well today in order to manage stress and reduce risk of disease. It will help you control weight and feel more energetic.


Do You Fear Cancer? Why?

Why is it that cancer is the most feared of all diseases? O.K. we know for a fact that there is a high incidence of cancer in North American society. We all know loved ones and acquaintances who have battled the disease - with or without a victorious outcome.

The Reasons
One of the reasons cancer is so feared is because it is one of the least understood diseases. Medical research leads us to believe that cancer is hereditary. If your grandmother had it, then you become conditioned to believe that surely you will, too. The fact, however, is that only 20% of cancer is attributable to heredity. 80% is in your control.¹

Billions of dollars are spent to try and find a cure. But, instead of it being conquered, the incidences of breast and prostate cancer has increased considerably.
According to one medical expert, Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, who has treated hundreds of cancer patients with amazing success in her San Diego clinic: "We all have cancer in our bodies it's just that our immune system is keeping it in check. It's the breakdown of our immune system that allows cancer to grow. If you maintain a strong and healthy immune system, your chances of ever getting cancer are virtually nil."²

Dr. Patrick Quillin, another cancer expert, says in his book Beating Cancer with Nutrition: "Scientists agree that nearly all individuals develop undetectable cancer about 6 times in a 70-year life span. Yet only one of three people actually develops overgrown and detectable cancer. The body is equipped to deal with cancer.³
But, of course you already know the "statistics." You cannot miss them as they're all over the news media. So, there's no need to go on and on with the pros and cons of this feared disease. Instead, let's focus on:
The Answer
Proper nutrition could prevent from 50-90% of all cancer. There is hope! If you strengthen your immune system now, you can take back control over cancer!

Research done by Dr. Marcial-Vega, among others, has proven that cancer cannot live in an alkaline body. Easy to say, but how do you get it done?

In a nutshell, plant foods are in general alkaline. Animal products, coffee and sugar-laden products on the other hand are acidic. If your blood contains mostly animal protein, your overall body PH balance will be acidic. Trans-fats, like margarine, and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils are immune suppressants, it's advisable to wean them off your diet.
All this may sound a little simplistic. Yet, even if you're hooked on a lifestyle that does not contain mostly veggies and fruit, it can be quite a feat to maintain a healthy Ph balance.
The Solution
O.K. now you know the answer, but how can you satisfy the taste buds who have for years been conditioned to love all the acid in your body?

Well, thanks to Dr. Mindell's discovery backed by extensive research and testimonials, you now have at your disposal the awesome Himalayan Goji Juice. Once you put it to the test, you will soon have nothing but affirmative superlatives to shout about it. Why?
What is in it for you? It will totally eliminate fear from your life because it:
" Fills you with joy, as it naturally increases melatonin, the "joy producer"
" Restores your body's PH balance
" Restores your hormone balance. Yes - even insulin!
" Restores cancerous or pre-cancerous cells to health, unlike dangerous drugs that kill these cells
" Eliminates pain and stiffness!
" Restores your zest for life and energy level
" Makes you feel good all over
" Revitalizes your youth!
You will find many more wonderful benefits and all the reasons why this product will give you a Youth Makeover on the author's site by the same name. But, nothing will change unless you put it to the test right away. You can pick up a saliva PH tester at your local pharmacy (the ideal PH is between 7.0 and 7.4) to see the results. Very soon you will notice your health problems disappear, and realize your fear has gone!
¹²³ National Center for Health Statistics:


How Do You Keep Your pH Balance?

PH balance, simply put, is the balance of acid and alkaline in all fluids and cells in the body. Blood pH balance is recognized as one of the most important biochemical balances in human chemistry.

Body pH Balance is critical to maintaining wellness and preventing illness. According to many practitioners of alternative medicine, if body pH balance is not in equilibrium it will create an environment where disease can thrive. Yet, as crucial as it is to optimum health, few medical practitioners in Western medicine are even aware of how it plays a major role in causing almost all disease.

The foundation of healthy pH balance is in drinking plenty of alkaline water. Seaweed is a great supplement for restoring your pH balance as it contains a mixture of red, brown and green marine algae.

If you suspect your Ph balance is out of order, and most of the Western world falls in that category, it is important to consider a change in lifestyle and nutrition. It cannot be stressed enough that eating highly nutritious foods and ensuring that your body absorbs all the appropriate minerals is vital to your well-being.

Realizing the importance of pH balance to good health and an overall disease free body is the first step to good health. Then, discovering how relatively easy it is to achieve it with proper nutrition, it will give you a whole new perspective on life. No more fear of sickness or pain. That's what will be in your future! You will know when your pH balance is corrected as you will have more energy and vitality.

Consider this: would you rather be like an ostrich and think that sickness will not happen to you, until the day that you get a grave medical diagnosis? It is easy to check your pH balance with a saliva litmus test. You can get the tester at your local pharmacy. The human body's ideal pH balance is around 7.

Medicine does not cure; it simply treats symptoms. In the case of cancer, it will attempt to kill malignant cells. Proper nutrition, on the other hand, may not only keep you from those dreaded diseases but fortify cells that are out of pH balance.

Although the concept of pH balance may be novel to you and somewhat confusing, it is actually fairly simple. Let's take skin for example. After every washing, your skin's pH balance is completely distorted and it starts working overtime to restore pH levels; a process which may take up to half an hour.

In conclusion, since pH balance is maintained through the proper nutrition the body needs, it is most crucial to consider taking the steps you can to help avoid cancer and disease. pH balance is indeed foundational to experiencing a higher quality of health, and thus a higher quality of life.


The Many Benefits Of Breast Feeding For A Mother And Her Baby

Midwives, health-visitors and doctors all highly recommend breast feeding for numerous reasons. Breast milk contains the perfect balance of nutrients for your baby, and also antibodies that will boost your baby's immune system providing a strong defence against infection. Breast stimulation by your baby immediately after delivery encourages your uterus to contract and hence reduces bleeding. Breast feeding enhances bonding with your baby. There are very few medical reasons why a mother shouldn't breast-feed.

Cow's milk and soya contain different sets of proteins to human milk. Most formula milks are derived from cow's milk which may be perfect for calves, but babies can have difficulty digesting it. Bottle fed infants tend to be fatter than breast-fed infants, but not necessarily healthier. The volume of milk you produce for your baby is independent of the size of your breasts, as both small and large breasts contain virtually the same amount of mammary glands. Only the fatty tissue varies.

Colostrum is the first food available to breastfeeding newborns, and is tailor-made to meet the nutritional requirements. Breast feeding babies do not require the large volumes of fluid required by bottle fed babies during the first few days of life.

Breast milk may reduce the onset of late onset B streptococcal disease, a potentially lethal condition that rarely afflicts newborn babies. It has been suggested that the antibodies in breast milk would be neutralized by the acids in your baby's stomach. However, it has been shown that protective factors are present in higher concentrations in the stools of breast-fed infants than in stools from formula-fed infants. A breast-fed baby's digestive tract contains large amounts of Lactobacilli, which are beneficial bacteria that prevent the growth of harmful organisms.

Human milk straight from the breast is always sterile and never contaminated by polluted water or dirty bottles which can lead to diarrhoea in the infant. Breast-fed infants have a lower incidence of diarrhoea, respiratory disease, and otitis media (middle ear infection). Diarrhoea claims a toll of 5 million children each year in the developing countries. The risk of dying from diarrhoea would be reduced 14-24 fold by universal breast feeding.

Predominantly breast feeding for at least six months and partial breast feeding for up to one year may reduce the prevalence and subsequent morbidity of respiratory illness and infection in infancy. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be breast-fed for six to 12 months. In the USA, almost two thirds of children had ever been breastfed and only 27.0% and 12.3%, at 6 and 12 months respectively, were receiving some breast milk. In a study in Greece reported in 2007, breastfeeding initiation was reported by 96.1% of the participants but exclusive breastfeeding was initiated only in 19.1% and predominant breastfeeding in 7.2% of the cases. On-going breast feeding continues to require encouragement.

Full breastfeeding lowers the potential chance for hospital admission as a result of infections among infants who are younger than 1 year within an industrialized country.

Breast milk reduces childhood asthma and skin problems such as eczema, childhood and adolescent obesity and it seems to have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, lipid profile and possible insulin resistance/type-2 diabetes.

Breast feeding may protect against infection later on in childhood. There seems to be an association between a high breastfeeding rate in the population and a reduced incidence of HI meningitis 5 to 10 years later.

Breast feeding reduces the prevalence of several chronic diseases. It has been estimated that in the population of the 596,122 babies born in England and Wales in 2002, the number of cases of asthma, obesity and coeliac disease that could have been prevented over 7-9 years if babies that had "no breast feeding" as a risk factor would have received breast milk were 33, 00 for asthma, 13,639 for obesity and 2,655 for coeliac disease. The incidence of childhood leukaemia is reduced in children who have been breast fed.

Human milk is flavoured by the taste of the food that the mother has eaten and provides her baby with its first insight into the rich variety of culinary delights to come. The infant's response to a particular flavour in milk may depend upon the recency and duration of previous exposures. Breast-feeding has been significantly and positively associated with educational attainment achieved in childhood and even as far as age fifty. There is, however, conflicting evidence on the benefits of breast feeding and intelligence with some showing a positive relationship and others finding that enhancement of the child's intelligence is unrelated to initial feeding method.

Natural feeding allows you and your baby to get closer - physically and emotionally. So while your child is feeding, the bond between you can grow ever stronger. Mothers who breast feed are less affected by stress. Despite popular belief, there is no compelling evidence that breastfeeding is effective in combating postpartum depression.

Breast milk is free so that you can save a lot of money not having to buy formula and it is readily available. Women who breast feed return to their pre-pregnancy figure faster as they give calories to their babies. Breast feeding suppresses ovulation (egg release), reduces menstruation and the chance of pregnancy, but there are no guarantees. Mothers who do not plan to conceive should use contraception even while nursing. The mini-pill is acceptable but the combined pill can suppress milk production.

Rheumatoid arthritis and hip fractures due to osteoporosis after the menopause are less common in those who have breast fed their babies. Breast feeding reduces a mother's risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Breast cancer risk decreases according to the total months of breast-feeding. Average duration of breast-feeding of 11-12 months reduces the risk of breast cancer by 54% compared with the duration of 1-4 months.

Some medications contraindicate breast feeding. Always check with your health care provider. Most common illnesses, such as colds, flu, skin infections, or diarrhoea, cannot be passed through breast milk. Just a few viruses can pass through breast milk. Unfortunately, HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is one of them. Women who are HIV positive should, therefore, not breast-feed.

Breast feeding can have some disadvantages. In the early weeks, it can be painful. A woman's nipples may become sore or cracked. She may experience engorgement more than a bottle feeding mother, when the breasts become so full of milk that they become hard and painful. Some nursing women also develop clogged milk ducts, which can lead to mastitis, a painful infection of the breast. While most nursing problems can be resolved with home remedies, mastitis requires prompt medical care.

A nursing mother is tied to her baby more than a bottle-feeding mother. The baby needs her for nourishment and she needs to nurse regularly to avoid uncomfortably full breasts.

Some women simply do not feel comfortable with the idea of nursing. They find the thought of handling their breasts to be unattractive, or they want to think of them purely as sexual, and not functional. They may be concerned about modesty and the possibility of having to nurse in public. They may want a break from child care and let someone else feed the baby, especially in the small hours of the morning.

If a woman is unsure whether she wishes to nurse, she can try it for a few weeks. It's very difficult to switch to breast-feeding after bottle-feeding is begun. The decision to breast-feed is a personal one. Provide yourself with all the information you require and then come to a decision. Obstetricians, paediatricians, childbirth instructors, nurses, health visitors and midwives can all offer information about nursing. But perhaps the best ongoing support for a breast feeding mother is someone who has successfully nursed a baby, particularly her mother. Only you can decide if breastfeeding is appropriate for you.

Smart Food Choices Will Support Colon Cleansing

Diverticulitis, chronic constipation and diarrhea are common colon disorders that can be prevented through high fiber diets and eating healthy. Eating your way to a cleaner colon is easy and smart way to getting your health on tract and also supporting a colon cleanse program.

Fibrous foods provide roughage that keeps the accumulated waste products moving through the colon and help to stimulate peristaltic action. This gives waste an easy passage out and deceases the risk of intestinal problems. The soluble and insoluble fibers will provide the bulking and scraping agents necessary to prevent putrefied waste and mucoid plaque build up.

The key to good health starts in the colon and the benefits are felt and seen throughout the entire body. Your body will balance itself and be able to rid the body of aggravating and annoying symptoms and conditions like weight gain, blood sugar issues, skin ailments, gas, bloating and even bad breath. Even cholesterol levels can return to normal. The benefit of a successful cleanse are incredible and very motivating. Increased energy and conditions that disappear will allow you to enjoy life not suffer through it.

Create great tasting salads that include dark leafy greens such as dandelion, kale, chard, mustard and collard. These foods will add more fiber and nutrition and help the natural cleansing process. Sprinkle with ground flax seed and use organic vinegars in your dressings.

Fresh fruits and berries are loaded with enzymes to promote absorption and digestion and whole grains like buckwheat and millet smart choices for complex carbs. Beans are a great source of protein; kidney, black, pinto, chick peas all contain fiber, are low fat and are cholesterol free. Stay away from refined foods and sugars, and artificial ingredients. Restrict your intake of caffeine and chocolate while cleansing and stay away from fatty junk foods that are nutritionally empty high calorie foods.

Some of the results you may experience from flushing are increased energy and mental clarity. Your skin clearing up, rashes and break outs disappearing are possible, along with regularity and to keep toxins from building back up in the body. A good detoxification program will get the toxins that have been absorbed or ingested on their way out of your body so that the re-balancing and healing can begin.

To get the most out of your colon cleansing program, choose foods high in fiber and nutrition that will assist the cleanse in getting those toxins out and re-balancing your system. Your diet is a key contributing factor in the detoxification process., known as one of the leading companies that develops natural body cleansing programs, recently formulated an extremely effective and organic set of products that cleanses the colon, rids the body of parasites while replenishing the body's required nutrients.


Jenny Craig at a Glance

Developed over 30 years ago, the Jenny Craig program is best known through its recent commercial ads with Kirstie Alley and, more recently, Valerie Bertinelli. The Jenny Craig program is for anyone who wants to lose weight but doesn't want to count calories or use a point system.

This diet is a controlled diet that is easy to follow. With different levels of membership, meal programs, consultants, one on one support from other members and centres in many areas of the United States you are never all alone with the Jenny Craig diet plan.

The program offers prepackaged meals sent to your home and is based on portion control. In addition to regular meals, the Jenny Craig team also provides snacks and desserts, fruits, vegetables, and offers suggestions on what type of low-fat dairy products to buy at your supermarket.

A unique feature in the Jenny Craig program is that once you arrive at the halfway mark of your desired weight, you can start eating normal foods. This is different from other diet plans in that you have to wait for the maintenance portion of the plan before you can eat regular foods. As long as you maintain the portion size, the Jenny Craig program is one that is becoming more popular today than in the past.

Another key element in succeeding on this plan is exercise. Jenny Craig's recommendation is a five-day exercise routine for 30 minutes a day. While this may take getting used to, the sooner an exercise plan is designed, the sooner you will yield results.

In addition to the plan itself, there are personal consultants available to help you achieve your goal, answer any questions you may have, and be as supportive as possible while you are in this program. Moreover, you can also take advantage of their weekly consultations, which is not only a great motivator, but tracks your progress as well.

If you are interested in a plan that prepares meals without you having to worry if the portion is correct, try Jenny Craig and see if the results are just as measurable as those touted by those two celebrities mentioned earlier.

There are two ways to look at the Jenny Craig Program. The best scenario is that you will lose weight and inches; while the worst-case scenario is that you run out of room in your refrigerator to store all of the wonderful meals they supply.

The Rebirth of Carbs

As a registered dietitian, and someone who specializes in sports nutrition, I was appalled when the low carbohydrate fad came into popularity. However, I also predicted that in a couple of years people would become better educated and ready to really pay attention to how to eat for health.

Yes, people lost weight, but mostly because they eliminated many of the high fat, high calorie snack foods and meals they were previously eating. Unfortunately, the foods that promote health were also eliminated as all carbohydrates came under attack. Gone were the chips but also gone were the fruits and vegetables so high in health-promoting nutrients. Even worst of all was the increase in animal fats that are known to promote disease and inflammation.

Let's first address why the low carb diets bothered me. Carbohydrates are one of the three major nutrients in our diet, known as macronutrients. Protein and fat are the other two. These three nutrients supply most of our calories, with alcohol being the fourth. All foods break down into glucose, which is our primary fuel and the only fuel for the brain. No matter what, the brain needs glucose to survive. Even some of fat breaks down into glucose. During the low carb diets, people were instructed to avoid all obvious carbohydrate foods, and in some diets were even encouraged to check their levels of ketones in their urine. Ketones are a byproduct of impartial fat metabolism for people who are not getting enough carbohydrate in their diets or, for medical reasons, are not utilizing the carbohydrates they are eating.

However, carbohydrates are the primary fuel for breaking down body fat during exercise. So, here we have people who want to lose weight trying to also exercise, but because they are not eating the primary fuel for that exercise, their exercise intensity suffers. As a consequence, they burn fewer calories during exercise and cannot burn as much body fat. Not only does science support this, but I would see this happen with my own clients. I also used myself to experiment on. One of my clients challenged me to try the Atkins diet. Never mind the effect of cutting out all my fiber in my diet (constipation), but by the third day I felt like I had lead feet when I tried to do my usual workout! I had no fuel in my body at all. By day #5, I felt I was doing my system more harm than good and went back to my fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Ahhh. Also, I had not consciously realized just how high my diet was in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and how low it was in animal products, particularly animal fats.

This brings up the other problem I had with these diets. More research than I can mention has shown the advantages of a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Because of the phytochemicals in these foods, it has been shown that people who eat high amounts of these foods not only weigh less but their health benefits from the high intake of antioxidants and vitamins. Studies looking at cancer and heart disease continually conclude that high intakes of these foods benefit health. My own experience with clients has also shown this. Most people already eat too few servings of fruits and vegetables. Once they increase them, however, they find themselves filling up on fewer total calories. Not only do they start to feel better but they start to lose weight!

Starches still have a bad rap, but once people realize the difference between one starch and another, we may actually see more people eating diets consisting of whole, unrefined foods. So, I guess the benefit of the high protein, low carb diets may be the new awareness that people have in the value of eating unprocessed, whole foods, and that all foods really DO fit into our diet.

Marjorie Geiser helps people overcome their confusion and distress they may feel when trying to add healthy eating and fitness into their busy lives through a successful e-coaching program. She offers a free, monthly newsletter on various topics of health. Margie is a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer and Life Coach. To learn more about her services, go to her website at .

Optimizing Your Diet to Lose Abdominal Fat

Diet and exercise go hand in hand to aid in weight loss. In order to maximize your chances of developing those killer abdominals you desire, altering your diet is a necessary step.

It is important to remember that weight loss is not instantaneous, nor is it an overly fast process. Healthy weight loss is important, so be sure to do it properly, by adopting a healthy diet as opposed to using dangerous measures such as weight loss pills and fad diets. Ensure you do not adopt these measures as they can be dangerous and will usually result in a person losing significant amounts of lean body mass and muscle.

The following steps will aid you in developing an optimal diet:

1) Limit the energy in your diet: In order to lose weight, we must expend more energy than we are putting into our bodies. To do this is simply a mater of eliminating sources of excess energy (such as foods high in fat and sugar) and ensuring we are not eating portion sizes that are too large. It may help you to write down the foods hat you eat over a few days, to give you and idea of how much you are eating and possible foods that could be eliminated from your diet.

2) Eat small meals regularly: Eating smaller amounts more frequently during the day will aid keeping your metabolism steady, and in many cases will aped it up. Speeding your metabolism up will aid your body in utilizing energy at a faster rate- thus reducing the storage of fat.

3) Eat breakfast: Many people make the mistake of skipping breakfast, this commonly results in a sluggish metabolism and decreased energy stores until you eat next. In the case of many people, this is lunch time. To compensate for skipping breakfast they may eat a very large lunch, which will result in further slowing the metabolism and making the individual feel drowsy and sluggish. DO not think there s not time for breakfast- there is. Whether you have to get out of bed ten minutes earlier or opt for a quick and easy breakfast option such as cereal or a breakfast bar; breakfast is essential in controlling your metabolism.

4) Drink water: In order to optimize your diet and lose weight it is essential to drink sufficient amount of water each day. Most people drink insufficient amounts of water in a day. This has the negative effect of making the person feel as if they are hungry, resulting in them eating unnecessarily. This introduces extra energy into the body which is consequently stored as fat. Ensure you drink plenty of water to avoid unnecessary energy intake.

5) Replace unhealthy foods with healthy foods: This process is quite simple; there are a few rules to follow to ensure your diet contains sufficient healthy foods in place of unhealthy foods:

a) Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, breads and cereals. Sticking to the basics will ensure you eat sufficient healthy food for normal functions, and will ensure you limit any fats in your diet.

b) Select lean meat: Replace any fatty cuts of meats with lean cuts. Ensure you remove all visible fat or remove the skin form chicken. Avoid sausages, salami, devon and other processed meats as these tend to be very high in fat.

c) Select skim/trim/reduced fat dairy: Dairy products are high in fat and thus high in energy. Consuming full cream dairy products will only result in unnecessary energy being introduced into the diet. Opting for skim, trim or reduced fat milks, cheeses and yoghurts will ultimately result in a decrease in overall energy in the diet, thus making weight loss easier.

d) Avoid or limit takeaway foods: Take-away foods tend to be extremely high in fat and thus energy; this is generally due to cooking methods (most are deep fried). Try not to have take-away more than once per week.

e) Minimize snack foods: Many people consume excess energy through frequent snacking on unhealthy foods. Snack foods that are high in sugar and fat, such as lollies, chips, chocolates, soft drinks etc. should be avoided or replaced with healthy alternatives.

6) Ensure sufficient fiber in the diet: Fiber will aid in keeping sufficient amounts of water in the intestines to optimize the digestive processes to maintain a healthy bowel.

7) Limit alcohol intake: alcohol is high in energy and excessive consumption will inevitably result in the production of fat in the body. To prevent this form occurring, ensure you limit the amount of alcohol you drink.

It may help you to plan your meals in advance. This can be done by searching cook books or online for healthy recipes and making a list of the ingredients you will need. Be sure to have a variety of different foods in your diet, and remember to ensure you are not overeating by consuming large sized meals.

When reducing the number of calories in their diet, many people find it hard to overcome the resulting hunger. If you find your are constantly feeling hungry, try consuming some diet soft drink, diet cordial or diet jelly, as these will help to ease the feeling of hunger without adding calories to the diet.

Be sure to combine diet with healthy eating to ensure optimal weight loss occurs.

Antioxidants and Free Radicals

Vitamin supplements offer antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin A. These antioxidants combat reactive oxygen intermediates (free radicals). In order for us to understand why it is important to take a vitamin supplement rich in antioxidants, we need to understand free radicals.

A free radical is simply a molecule that is missing an electron. As soon as a molecule loses one of its attached electrons, it becomes unstable and seeks to re-stabilize itself by stealing an electron from the nearest molecule. This causes the attacked molecule to then become a free radical, and starts a chain reaction. Ultimately as the process continues this can lead to cell damage.

Today, a great deal of experimental evidence supports the premise that length of life is determined by the crucial balance of antioxidants with free radicals in the body. Oxidation occurs when reactive oxygen particles form chain reactions which can cause cancer-like mutations and cell death.

The cells of our bodies are now increasingly subject to damage from free radicals due to the high levels of environmental toxins in our diet and the reduced levels of antioxidants in our food to combat free radical damage. Most companies which make skin care related products tout the goodness of antioxidants and natural products that contain antioxidants.

While health conscious people now know what an antioxidant supplement is, and how it protects cells in the body from becoming the victim of widespread free radical damage, many of us still don't realize that there are wide variations in the potency and efficacy of antioxidants. Both red wine and grape juice are known to have have a relatively high antioxidant value.

Health and nutrition experts have increasingly come to recognize the value of taking a synergistic blend of potent antioxidants, the cancer-fighting, health-promoting nutrients that help boost the immune system naturally. Free radicals do serve a purpose they are produced in your body in small numbers. Not all of them are dangerous in normal circumstances. They are produced by the immune system to destroy bacteria and viruses.

Antioxidants are essentially natural compounds that protect our bodies from free radical damage to our cells. This destructive process is called oxidation. Just like many metals oxidize and then rust, our own bodies tend to do the same over time. They also play a major part in activating enzymes, producing energy, and hormones. But if there is an excessive amount of them they can do more extensive damage.

Not all fruits are created equal. Some fruits have more antioxidant content than others. While one fruit may have nutrients with antioxidant properties, others may only have vitamins. But whatever the case, it is clear that the antioxidants in fruit are good for your health. Cranberries, Strawberries, Bilberries, Cherries and Raspberries have a particularly high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) Value.

The production of free radicals is a normal bodily process, and it is part of the process of breathing and living. Free radicals are normally neutralized by the body's natural defense system, rendering them harmless. However, anything that weakens the body's natural defenses weakens its ability to fight off these free radicals. Those weakening agents include environmental pollution, excess UV radiation and even excessive consumption of alcohol.


Healthy Body Maintenance

I've always seen the human body as an incredible device that we use to move through the objective reality. Our subjective mind (the one in charge) moves the body through the objective world and insures the we reach our destination in a relaible manner. Just like any other well oiled machinery we have to insure that we maintaine a healthy body that we can count on.

We regularly take care of our automobiles; we service the oil, cycle the antifreeze, and occasionally check the pressures in our tires. Without a reliable automobile that we can count on we would simply be left dead on our tracks. Knowing the importance of reliable transportation we take great measure to ensure that we perform preventative maintenance.

Our bodies (the vehicle) tend to take a beating as the years go by; we work long hours, devour large amounts of fat and sugar, disregard proper excercise and are exposed to all kinds of carcinogens. We make great efforts to tend to the obvious, like our teeth and vision. Unfortunately, we neglect the intangibles.

Years go by and so one day you wake up - with bright healthy teeth - experiencing unusual discomfort and body aches, so you go to the doctor only to find out that you have some form of degenerative disease. And so you find yourself wondering why this happened thus spending countless hours visiting the doctor and popping pills that create other side effects.

So how do we prevent this type of scenario? Very simple... daily exercise like walking and a proper nutritional diet. If you don't have the time to take all the daily recommended nutrients then get a liquid phytonutrient - phytonutrient drinks are an excellent way to get all the the daily recommended nutrients that come from fruits and vegetables.

By persistantly practicing a daily preventative maintenance program you can establish a strong body and deflect debilitating diseases that could pose a serious problems for you as you get older.


The South Beach Diet

This diet was created for people with cardiovascular conditions. Developed by a cardiologist, this diet allows you to eat three meals a day as well as snacks and dessert. How does this diet afford you the opportunity to lose weight?

A cardiologist developed The South Beach Diet. His intent was to help heart patients and diabetics. By lowering carbohydrate intake and turning that intake into complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean fats and proteins. By eliminating all simple sugars is a great diet for someone with diabetes.

The South Beach diet encompasses a meal plan filled with good carbs. The assumption is that bad carbs, which are associated with a high glycemic index, disables the body to resist insulin, thereby unable to properly dispose of fats and sugars that accumulate in the body.

The South Beach Diet has three levels or phases. The first phase encompasses a two-week regimen which allows you to consume regular meals which include: meat, vegetables, fish, eggs, low fat cheeses and yogurt, as well as your favorite snacks and desserts. The second phase consists of fruits and whole grain foods. The third phase is the point at which you have reach your weight loss goal and you continue maintenance by consuming three meals a day in combination with whole grain and fruits.

The bottom line is that the South Beach Diet combines good eating habits while decreasing bad carbs. Avoiding high fat content meals and processed foods is the method by which this diet claims success.

In addition, the website offers information including: a recipe database, a meal planner, shopping list generator, food guides, list of registered dieticians, a beach buddies program, message boards, a private online journal, a daily newsletter, a calendar tool, and a weight tracker. These weight-loss tools offer you an opportunity to not only stay on track but use the information to help you maintain your diet, ask questions, and seek advice. In addition, there are over a thousand recipes to choose from, the ability to talk with a dietician online as well as live support. There is even an online quiz which determines whether or not the diet is right for you.

While the South Beach diet is not considered to be a low-carb diet, its main function is to change your way of eating by decreasing the intake of bad carbs and increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables. This is a great diet for people with heart conditions, and is a wonderful and healthy diet regimen as well.

Diabetes: So Far So Good

Diabetes: There was this guy...

There was this guy who jumped off the 37th floor of a tall building. As he fell, people at each floor inside the building heard him say as he passed them, "So far, so far, so good."

Diabetes is a disease which cannot be "trusted." I know that's an odd way of putting it, but bear with me for a moment. As a medical professional, I have dealt with countless cases of diabetes. I have always been astonished that people will plan for the future as they build lives, careers, families, dreams...creating and pursuing commitments for the long term... And yet, one issue stands out consistently. People with diabetes tend to hope the disease will just "maintain itself," that it will just stay at status quo for the long term.

Diabetes cannot be trusted to stay anywhere...much less at status quo. Like the guy falling from the 37th floor, people with diabetes tend to keep telling themselves... "So far, so far, so far, so good..." Folks, hope is NOT a strategy. It is a necessity, but it is NOT a strategy in dealing with a disease like diabetes.

Diabetes: The "fall out" is too great to ignore...

As I said earlier, I am astonished how well people can plan for the long term, creating and pursuing future commitments but do NOT plan long-term for diabetes. Of course, the natural question is: "What are the long term issues with diabetes?"

With diabetes, a person is two to four times more likely to develop cardio-vascular disease. Being a cardio-vascular surgeon, I saw this particular problem constantly in my field. And I saw it consistently in youngand middle aged people with diabetes.

With diabetes, people are TWENTY-FIVE times more likely to develop retinopathy (deterioration of the retinas). Because of diabetes, 24,000 people go blind every year!

With diabetes, 60-70% of those afflicted suffer nerve damage which can lead to non-traumatic lower limb amputations. This is due to the fact that open sores that do not heal, accompany diabetes. As they become ulcerated, the diabetic faces complications which can lead to amputation of limbs.

People with diabetes are AT RISK for kidney failure.

Diabetes is responsible for the increased risk for strokes...two to six times more likely because of their condition.

Diabetes: the good news or the bad news...

Well, which do you want...the good news or the bad news first?

As a doctor, having dealt with diabetes in many patients, it's always best to know the BAD news up front. Why? Complacency is harmful to your health. The danger with diabetes is people get complacent. Nothing seems to happen until, suddenly, it seems to sneak up on you with its complications...

The bad news can be REALLY bad if you are someone who has any of the following conditions which terribly complicate diabetes. Complicating factors are:

1 smoking,

2 high cholesterol,

3 high blood pressure,

4 obesity,

5 physical inactivity

With these factors, predicting the progress of diabetes is very problematic. Simply put, they MUST be brought under control, if possible. Diabetes thus becomes very unpredictable.

By keeping your blood glucose under control, you can reduce the risk of complications of diabetes up to 76%. That's good news.

More good news: By healthy eating, responsible dietary weightloss, regular physical activity, monitoring blood sugar... you can reduce risk in diabetes.

Bad news: Status quo again. You're still "stuck" with diabetes.

Diabetes: Being hit by "friendly fire."

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are auto-immune conditions. In type1 diabetes, the immune cells are mis-instructed to attack islet cells in the pancreas that make insulin.

Mind you, there is nothing wrong with the islet cells. There is MIScommunication by the immune system of the body. In other words, immune attack cells can get faulty messages and destroy healthy tissue. Isn't it just awful that your diabetes can be caused by "friendly fire?" (Military terminologyhere. The good guys are hitting their own good guys with artillery fire.)

MIS-communication .... hum. Sounds like what's needed is a healthier communication system at the cel*lular level so the body isn't attacking its own healthy cells.

Now, for some really good news...

Glyconutrition is the nutritional provision which provides the body with healthyCELLULAR COMMUNICATION. In other words, for diabetes, this means less "friendly fire."

A study published in the 1997 issue of the Proceedings of the Fisher Institute for Medical Research showed people with type 1 diabetes who were given glyconutrients "...reported a dramatic improvement in their health, including a decrease in vision problems, better wound hearing, less infections, and lower blood pressure." (Miracle Sugars, by Rita Elkins, M.H., Woodland Publishing, p. 26 -Excellent quick reference incidentally!)

Remember, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are auto-immune conditions. Read carefully, this next statement by medical researcher, Dr. Neecie Moore:

"Glycobiology has achieved critical breakthroughs in the medical field, primarily by addressing what could be the greatest plague in health care today -- auto-immune diseases. Multiple sclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, Crohn's disease and colitis are just a few of these diseases."

Research on glyconutrition is growing wonderfully. For example, the Ophthalmology Department of HarvardUniversity in 1995 reported that one of the glyconutrients (mannose) can be an energy source for diabetes (instead of the damaging glucose), providing energy without risk of eyesight damage. (Miracle Sugars, p.27).

Also, mannose can stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin "...thus lowering the amount of insulin needed to control this disease." (Miracle Sugars, p. 27. I told you this was a good book! In case you're wondering, I receive no remuneration from it whatsoever. Remember, I'm a physician. Doctors "makemoney the old fashioned way"...they charge you.)

Oh yes. Glyconutrients are NON-prescription. Anyone can get them and they are non-toxic (they're food!) Safe, NON-prescription, effective...That's the stuff real medicaldiscoveries are made of. Diabetes may very well become a scourge of the past.

Think of it. No more friendly fire.

No more diabetes "status quo."

Dr. Robert Gamble is retired from a very successful Cardio-Thoracic surgical career spanning three decades. He is now active in researching medical issues such as glyconutrition and offers his insights for public benefit. Visit write or call 1-86-735-5871

How To Choose The Best Fruit Juicer

What are the basics of fruit juicers? If you know them, you can better get the best model for you. Juicers first came on the scene in 1930, when Dr. Norman Walker invented the first one. He must have partaken in juicing himself, as he lived to be 108 years old.

Juicing helps you easily get the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Many are not doing so, and the vagaries of this show up in lack of stamina and energy, as well as other health ailments. Juicing is ideal for cancer patients who have finished their treatments.

It can help them access much needed vitamins and minerals lost from chemotherapy treatments, for example, and can strengthen their immune systems. It can also flush out unwanted toxinsafter chemotherapy.

Although juicing is beneficial, it can also be detrimental if it's not done properly. If you drink too much juice from high-sugar fruits and vegetables, it can adversely affect blood sugar levels for those who need to control them. Sugars from natural fruits quickly enter the bloodstream, which can cause spikesin blood sugar.

As long as you use juicing moderately to benefit your health and don't overdo it, you will gain benefits for a lifetime. It can be a very healthy habit toincorporate into your lifestyle.

So What Is A Juicer?

A juicer is an appliance operates manually or electrically. It extracts juice from vegetables, fruits and leafy greens. There are different types geared tospecific types of fruits or vegetables.

Some fruit juicers look a lot like blenders. However, the juicer will have some kind of mechanism to separate the pulp from the juice. A blender simplygrinds fruits or vegetables up and the pulp must be manually strained out of the juice.

Juicers' mechanisms of extraction may also differ. Some common types include centrifugal, centrifugal ejection, masticating, manual press, single auger, dualcage auger and twin press.

Centrifugal types are one of the oldest. They have a simple design, utilizing a shredder and a strainer. This design uses centrifugal force to extract thejuice from the pulp.

Centrifugal ejection models are similar to centrifugal juicers. However, in the centrifugal ejection type, the basket has slanted sides. This makes it easyto clean. One of its disadvantages is that it is noisy. It is very user-friendly, though, and the maintenance is simple.

The masticating type juicer has a slow speed motor that masticates the fruits and vegetables. The manual press juicer is one that retains juice nutrientsbest, because no oxidation occurs during the extraction process. Rather, it uses pressure to extract juice.

How to Shop for the Best Model

Perhaps the first thing people consider is the cost. Although not always true that that high price means high quality, there is some correlation. Otherimportant factors also need to be considered.

First, the machine must be user-friendly. It should be easy to clean and operate.

Second, look for a reliable brand so you won't have to replace parts often.

Third, slow speed juicers are best, as they reduce oxidation. You should also be able to extract a good quantity of juice from the fruits and vegetables.

Some models give you more pulp than juice. Models that extract the pulp to an outside container leave less pulp behind than those that do so inside themachine. The model you choose should also be dishwasher safe and compact.

Some popular and reliable brands are; Champion, Omega, Nutrisource, Lequip, Juice Fountain, Samson, Solo Star, Green Star and Green Power.

Exploring the Benefits of Organic Sprouting

It is believed that Organic sprouts pose plentiful health advantages to the people that add these items into their daily diet. Organic sprouting is the process by which organic seeds are soaked in a chemical free solution for a period of 12-25 hours, drained and then rinsed until they mature into sprouts. You have many choices of seeds that can be sprouted. The following outlines a few of the most common:












Health professionals everywhere agree that sprouts are essential in providing the body with key nutrients. These nutrients, such as various vitamins, proteins, important amino acids, and minerals, are the building blocks of life for the various functions within the body. Furthermore, when sprouting is performed in an organic manner, the seeds are not introduced to any common chemicals. This means that when they are consumed, dangerous toxins are not introduced to the body.

Raw foods may assist in weight loss, preventing heart disease, as well as preventing many different kinds of cancers. The raw food lifestyle continues to grow in popularity as dieticians and doctors agree that it is safe and effective. When a person consumes a diet that consists of raw foods, they are less likely to experience various sicknesses, diseases, and similar conditions. Raw foods may assist in weight loss, preventing heart disease, as well as preventing many different kinds of cancers. Organic sprouts can be a key element to a raw food diet.

You can grow your own sprouts for a faction of the cost of buying sprouts in the stores. Growing your own sprouts can be enjoyable as well. To begin you may want to try the East-Sprouter. The East-Sprouter is an inexpensive tool that allows anyone to grow sprouts.

There is no need to have a strong knowledge of sprouting and you can grow healthy sprouts with no experience. The Easy-Sprouter creates an ideal environment for growing a health sprouts. I believe, using this method of sprouting, you will be saving a lot of time and money while enjoying the countless health benefits.

For those of you who are interested in the added health benefits linked with organic sprouting, there are several ways to obtain them. You can pickup sprouts at your local grocery store. You can also check the health food store. I prefer to grow my own. If you choose this method, I believe, it is best to use the Easy-Sprouter. The Easy - Sprouter will make doing your own raw, organic sprouting easy and convenient! If you have no experience with growing sprouts then this particular sprouter is what you should start with.


Why Vegetarian Nutrition Stands Out

A vegetarian diet is considered to be the best among all types of diets. Many studies can prove this claim. A Columbia University study has shown that the human body's structure is actually not suited for animal meat consumption. It was found that the small and large intestines of carnivores are both short. Humans, however, have small and large intestines that are long.

When humans consume meat, especially in huge proportions, it stays in the intestines for longer periods, which can decay and lead to the formation of toxins. These toxins have been found to be trigger diseases such as colon and rectal cancer, liver and kidney problems and many others. Excessive consumption of meat can also increase saturated fat and cholesterol counts that can slow down the body's metabolic functions, thus leading to cardiovascular problems.

Even when you think the meat has been inspected for cleanliness and safety, you can still never tell whether it is really free from disease carriers. Moreover, the presence of antibiotics, hormones and other drugs in animal produce can pose a serious threat to human health as well.

With a vegetarian diet, you may not have to worry about these possible health risks. Plant food is a direct source of more nutrients compared to animal food. Especially when vegetarian diets are well planned, you can be sure that you will be getting proper nutrition that you need, which is necessary for good health.

Too often, it has become a common misconception that nutrition from meat consumption is better than vegetarian nutrition, which may not always be the case. In fact, a study in Yale University showed that vegetarians have more endurance than those who eat meat. Vegetarians can still get adequate amounts of protein by increasing intake of wheat, whole grains and vegetables without ever resorting to meat.

Moreover, the nutrition that a vegetarian diet provides can give you a leaner physique, a healthier body, a sharper focus, which in totality can lead to a better quality of life. In fact, vegetarians are known to live longer lives than meat eaters. Of course, while modern science may have already introduced approaches to prolonging life, perhaps nothing can top up with the health benefits that a vegetarian diet can give.

Above all else, your health should be your topmost priority. Without it, you may never live your life at its best. Now that you know what vegetarian nutrition can give you and why it is the best option for your health, all you need to do is to make the switch.


Cayenne pepper could help Stomach Ulcers

If you suffer from a peptic or duodenal ulcer, the last thing you might consider taking is hot Cayenne Pepper. This goes against everything you've ever heard about what aggravates an ulcer, the facts are that most "spicy" foods do just the opposite. Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper) can reduce pain which serves as a local anesthetic to ulcerated tissue in the stomach and can even help to control bleeding in the stomach.

Some individuals may be bothered by eating "Red Pepper" or spicy foods, these foods do not cause the formation of gastric ulcers in normal people. An interesting note is that people suffering from ulcers usually avoid Cayenne Pepper, in fact those people may actually benefit from its therapeutic action.

Taking Capsicum may significantly reduce the risk of ever developing a peptic ulcer. A Chinese study published in 1995 stated, "Our data supports the hypothesis that the chile used has a protective effect against peptic ulcer disease."1

Another 1995 study found that Capsicum can even protect the stomach lining from aspirin induced ulcers.2 Aspirin can cause stomach ulceration in certain individuals or if taken with too little water or juice. Researchers have concluded after experimenting with human volunteers that the capsaicin content of capsicum has a definite gastro - protective effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach.3 eighteen healthy volunteers with normal gastrointestinal mucosa took chile and water followed by 600 mg of aspirin and water. The study was conducted over a period of four weeks. Endoscopy results showed that taking 20 grams of chile before the aspirin definitely demonstrated a protective action on the stomach lining.4 Capsicum has the ability to rebuild stomach tissue.

Capsicum has the ability to bring blood to regions of tissue at a faster rate boosts the assimilation of foods that are consumed with it.5 Several clinical studies support this phenomenon. It has been thought that Capsicum stimulate the release of substances which increase secretions in the stomach and intestines plus can increase an abundance of blood to the stomach and intestines.6 In fact, Capsicum can increases the flow of digestive secretions from the salivary, gastric and intestinal glands.


1 J. Y. Kang, et al. "The effect of chile ingestion of gastrointestinal mucosal proliferation and azoxymethane-induced cancer in the rat." Journal of Gastroenterology-Hepatol. Mar-Apr. 1992: 7 (2): 194-98.

2 K. G. Yeoh, et al. "Chile protects against aspirin-induced gastroduodenal mucosal injury in humans." Dig-Dis-Sci. Mar. 1995: 40 (3): 580-83.

3 Ibid.
Darrell Miller, Manager VitaNet Health Foods, 235 Market ave. SW, Hartville OH 44632, Dietary Supplements ... VitaNet Has been in business since 1995, offering supplements and vitamin supplement information to customers for the past 10 Years to help enrich your quality of life.

Online Nutrition Education, This Information Will Enhance Your Quality Of Life on A Daily Basis

An online nutrition education is needed by those who are constantly feeling tired, stressed out and listless. These are a few signs that you could be lacking in proper nutrition. Those who always eat fast food should definitely be concerned about getting proper nutrition.

If you find that the only thing you have eaten is a donut and coffee, you will definitely be feeling the physical effects of a lack of nutrition. Do you suffer from a lack of mental clarity, weakness and irritability? These are all signs that you have not given your body enough healthy food to eat.

Do you or your children indulge in high calorie diets on a regular basis? Then you should easily notice the effects of over nutrition. Weight gain and related symptoms will also sap your energy and put a strain on your system.

Maintaining a proper diet is crucial to feeling good, strong and alert. If you have been suffering from a diet that lacks nutrition, or an over indulgence in nutrition, you will certainly feel the effects soon enough. Online nutrition education would show that you may even be setting yourself up for more serious disease.

You must obtain the necessary calories every day to maintain optimum health. When you do not take in the proper amount of calories you may experience:

1. ill health

2. physical disability

3. problems with absorption

4. begin to loose weight

5. lack concentration

6. and maybe even loose the function of vital organs

A diet too high in calories will also put your health at risk. More common than under nutrition in developed countries, obesity puts a strain on the organs and increases the risk for health problems such as:

1. diabetes

2. heart disease

3. and even cancer.

The serving size of food is crucial in taking on the appropriate amount of calories. Parents should teach their children to adopt moderate eating habits. This will ensure good eating habits for life.

Watching calorie intake is not the only important aspect of your diet that you should monitor. Online nutrition education will allow us to see that nutritional value is important as well. You could eat an entire box of doughnuts to meet your calorie needs. But would you have met your daily requirements for vitamins, protein, calcium and other minerals?

A diet that lacks nutrition will lead to:

1. low resistance to illness

2. general weakness

3. irritability

4. lack of calcium

5. which can lead to osteoporosis.

Pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly and ill individuals may choose to supplement their diet with multi vitamins. However, the average healthy person should get all the nutrition they need in a normal diet that includes fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy and fiber.

Fast food in the diet is not harmful if it is only an occasional treat. Over the long haul though, it will show its negative effects if consumed as a major part of your diet. Educating yourself and your family on what a healthy diet is will help you and your family feel great and enjoy good health.

Age gracefully

"Oh, you are so young looking"; how we all like to hear that!

However, this focus on the physical side to getting old should not stop us from remembering that there are 3 other keys to healthy aging. In addition to maintaining an optimal physical appearance and capability, like walking or dancing, as well as looking youthful, it is equally important that we also maintain a strong financial, social and mental wellness.

Financially you should consider the cost of retirement and plan for it. Or look for what help is to be had. There are many things to think about with the financial side of retirement and it is important because the last thing you want to do is suffer financially later in life.

Volunteering, travelling or simply going out for a meal now and again helps tremendously, because social wellness and companionship is very important for healthy aging. Having friends and seeing other people is actually documented to keep us young and help us live happier and healthy lives.

Doing new things every day is also a very good way to stay mentally alert throughout your twilight years. You must do this because mental wellness is an important part of staying healthy while getting older. Exercising the brain with crosswords, watching quiz shows and so on all helps to keep us alert.

Studies have shown that a healthy diet can help slow down or even prevent many of the age-related conditions and diseases. Healthy aging is simply living a healthier life longer, so eat better now.

If you wish to stay young and healthy, you need to be active, eat the right food, drink water, sleep well and do not do the things that you know are bad for you like smoking and drinking to excess.

There are foods that can help with your health.

Free radicals are the forerunners of devastating diseases like cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease: antioxidants can help get rid of these free radicals from your body. The question is where do you find antioxidants? Aloe Vera and others are fruit and vegetables are packed full of them; try to eat five a day plus a dose of Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera amplifies the antioxidant effects of vitamins. This is an especially interesting effect of Aloe Vera: It makes vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants work better! It actually helps antioxidants, probably due to its effect on enhancing blood quality and allowing the blood to more effectively transport oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells. In fact, it is a strong belief that Aloe Vera makes everything nutritious work better due to its blood-enhancing effects. If I'm right about that, it means Aloe Vera can potentate anti-cancer herbs, too, by helping them more effectively target tumours.

Aloe Vera is a very far advanced biochemical technology that is built by nature, 1005 compatible with the human body. All that you have to do is drink it ( see )

One of the most unexpected nutritional discoveries of the 1990s was that the frequent eating of nuts appears to dramatically improve health. In particular, nut eating greatly lowers the risk of heart disease.

It is a good thing to drink water. There are a variety of reasons to drink plenty of water each day. Adequate water intake prevents dehydration, cleans out the body, and promotes healing processes. Substituting water for beverages high in calories can also help control weight.

When you eat carbohydrates, which trigger the release of insulin, make sure that they come from whole grain. Doing this will ensure that you get enough fiber to keep your bowel function and to get rid of toxins. Try and have at least three servings a day.think about changing your breakfast cereal for one that includes whole grains and also change from white bread to whole wheat bread

Other foods that have anti-inflammatory properties and that should be included in your diet are: Yoghurt, salmon, trout, garlic, barley, onions, beans, nuts and hot peppers among others.
