Healthy Nutrition Diet Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal

You've heard it your entire life: breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but is it true? Really true? You bet!

When your body retires in the evening, it slows your metabolism while you sleep as your body, rests, relaxes and slowly works on repairing damaged muscle. Upon awakening, your body needs to refuel in order to give you the energy necessary to get through a hectic day filled with work, errands and family responsibilities.

Eating breakfast is a great way to jumpstart your entire system by raising your metabolism and "turn everything on" for the rigors of the day ahead.

It is true, eating breakfast can make you smarter, healthier, more creative, more patient, more energetic, plus it can even help you live longer!

Eating a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast can also set the tone for everything else you eat throughout the day. If you grab a donut on the way out the door in the morning, the odds are you will have sugar rush that lasts just long enough to get to work and get started on your first project, but then a decrease in glucose levels will send you hunting for a quick snack before midmorning, followed by lunch at noon. People who take the time to eat a good breakfast normally don't need much of a snack in the morning and when they do, they are more apt to grab something that's good for them like an apple or banana.

What if you're simply not hungry? Should you force yourself to eat breakfast? Yes! One way to ensure that you will be hungry in the morning is to avoid that late night nibbling.

To begin your day on the right nutrition path, remember to include plenty of fruit, fiber and protein in your breakfast choices. But avoid fatty foods such as bacon, sausage and fried potatoes.

Here are a few additional breakfast tips:

Make Breakfast simple. Mornings are hectic, so make breakfast easy by laying out everything you need the night before. Eat easy to grab items like low-fat yogurt, whole-wheat muffins and bagels and lots of fresh fruit. Cereal is a good choice to, as long as it is high in fiber and low in sugar. Top it with some fresh blueberries, strawberries or banana, along with a glass of orange or cranberry juice and you'' have already satisfied nearly half of your fresh fruit requirements for the entire day!

Avoid prepackaged bakery items such as Danish, donuts, croissants, etc

In a hurry?

Grab a half a bagel and an apple to eat on the way.

Your mother always told you it was important, and now you know the truth - she was right - breakfast is the most important meal of your day!


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